A Support System: It makes a difference
One of the many cards I received showing support was from my graduate professor. She truly sympathizes with me and understands its not easy. She also has lost her daddy a few years ago and she can relate in that our world feels empty with a void that we can not seem to find closure. She
This is what keeps me going... Not only knowing my daddy was an amazing father to me, but knowing he was also a wonderful admirable man in everyone else's eyes as well. George Foreman was a very dear friend of my father's. He fought along side my daddy for years and they grew close. They went to nationals together and the Olympic Trials in 1968, however, when they had a chance to move forward together, my daddy decided to part ways, not because he couldn't (because he had support behind him as well as a great boxing coach and people wanting him to move on), but because he made the decision that his family came first. and if that meant giving up something that he loved dear to his heart for the love of his family, then that's what it took.
I'm so thankful for all of my close friends who have been extremely supportive, who show their sympathy, who take time out of their day to check on me and who come to me with open arms feeling my pain. I am truly blessed to have all of them by my side. I see where I get my magnetic personality... My daddy. I am eternally grateful.
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