Health & Fitness
Tranformation at its finest.
Even though I wasn't at all "overweight", I was still considered 'skinny fat' and stored it in all the wrong places. After having two children, I bounced back each time pretty easy because I nursed both but, I still wasn't happy with my body. Coming from a dance background and being fit throughout high school, my confidence after baby #2 weakened and I realized I had to do something about it.
In 2010, a year after my second child was born I decided to get a gym membership and go full force. Still, my nutrition wasn't on point and even though I worked out, I wasn't seeing the results I knew my body was capable of.
I started following my dad in his juicing and healthy eats, to find that nutrition did play a major key in my fitness and health results. I juiced daily and began seeing weight loss, however, I was also losing muscle. Don't get me wrong, juicing is awesome for weight loss and provides so many health benefits, (I still juice to this day) but when you want to gain more, you need more than just juice.
In 2013, daddy was diagnosed with Stage IV Lymphoma and was given only so many days to live -- in which I went into a major depression state leaving my body weak and vulnerable. I was not only working full time, but I was in grad school full time having only a year left trying to take care of my kids and family all together, not having time for myself, spiritually. At this point my body was screaming for something. I wouldn't say my faith weakened but I will say I was full of questions. Questions I already knew answers to. Questions my dad told me never to ask because of our strong faith. That everything happens for a reason and trust in the process. I was just human. I was just a daughter missing her daddy.
This is when I got in touch with a high school friend who had recently received her procard in bodybuilding and asked her what it took to get to where she was -- fit and healthy. She pointed me in the right direction and after I graduated in 2014 I decided "this is it!" I had to do something for myself, for my health and for my confidence. Everything seemed to be falling into place, one by one.
Now at this point in time, I was by no means in a healthy state; physically or mentally. I had just lost my dad a year before deciding to go into bodybuilding and found myself unhealthy inside and out. My faith at this point, was what kept me going. When you lose someone so close to you in an instant, it takes a major toll on you overall. My dad was my best friend, my role model and because of it, I knew he would want me to do what was best for my family, so I couldn't give up. That wasn't an option. I had two littles looking up to me as their mommy and knew God was waiting for me to take that next step.
I met the most amazing trainer and nutritionist who gave me the option of changing my life for the better and getting in the best shape of my life. I kid you not, when I walked in, I had no idea what I was getting myself into and in that moment, I decided to start a new journey to a better me. It wasn't easy and there were times I felt like giving up-- psssshh, my trainer even thought I was going to give up, but he believed in me and I believed in myself, so I kept going strong despite every difficulty and persevered through.
In May 2015, I competed in my first show and walked out with more knowledge and determination of being a better me. That following July, I competed in my second show and placed third in my category. It was surreal. I was gradually growing to a better me. My confidence increased and I was in the best shape, physically and mentally, of my life. Two months later, I competed in my last show of the year and surprisingly took first place in bikini and first place in model. God knows how far I've come, what I had to endure during the process and how bad I wanted to make my daddy proud. I am currently off season and preparing for May 2016 Musclemania Fitness Universe show and my love of bodybuilding and nutrition has become a lifestyle. We must have perseverance, but above all, we must find the confidence within ourselves to know we are gifted for something and to have the courage and confidence to push through and attain it. This speaks volumes about ourselves. It takes courage and confidence to commit to goals, to get back up after you've fallen and to do things others may think are out of the ordinary. This was my transformation and I'm still striving to be better.
'So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.' -Hebrews 10:35
New Year, New Goal
It's finally here! A new year! A time for new years resolutions. A time to set new goals and to strive to make ourselves better than we were yesterday. What do you say mothers? Are you with me? Yes!
This was me in December 2014, for my graduate school graduation! It;s liberating knowing that I have made it this far. There was a light at the end of the tunnel! I have surpassed my goals and have made it reality! I could have let myself stay where I was. I could have allowed myself to give up because it was the easier thing to do. BUT, not me. I wanted it bad enough! And if you want it bad enough, you will do everything in your power to make it happen. No situation or struggle was too difficult for me and no one's opinion was greater than mine. I didn't use my situation as an excuse. I didn't use my kids as an excuse. Everything in life comes with disappointment, set backs and heartache. I could have given up every second. I could have made excuses and used them t...o my advantage, but GOD! And when you use that as a means to make it through, nothing will get in your way. This is my journey. This is my time. It may not have happened when I wanted it. It may have taken longer than others. But I set my goals, trusted Gods plan and persevered. Now I don't have to look back and say, what if, or I should have, or it was because of this... No! I now get to say, I did it! I did it with a passion and a light that was instilled in me from my wonderful parents. A light that shined so bright my kids have it in them now! They witnessed the struggle and heartache and saw how hard I worked throughout this journey. They were my encouragers, confidants and my little inspirations. They want to be just like me! Wow! What a blessing! And you can have that too! You can do it too! Whatever it is that you want to make happen, the dreams and goals that seem impossible, and the inspiration from people like me to get you there, you can do it too! This is what my daddy taught me. This is what he left me! A legacy of beautiful things! And I get to celebrate it with my mommy, children, love of my life, friends and family. I know he will be there in spirit. He's all around, I've felt it. I know he was super proud of me because he told me. And I know God still has great things for me. This is only the beginning!
So MOMS, set goals! Make things happen! Because if you don't, you will always ask yourself... what if? Even if they are small goals, at least they're goals.
Bye 2014, I met my goals and am going into the new year with new ones!!! (Blog coming soon)
1. Set realistic goals
When it comes to reaching your goals, setting measurable ones in the first place is key. “We have a tendency to aim too high and set goals that are almost impossible to achieve. A better strategy would be to divide big goals into smaller, attainable objectives,” say Nancy and Nadine, co-founders of Les (Z)imparfaites blog. Similarly, ValĂ©rie of Encore une Maman blog reminds moms to be realistic.
2. Do something for yourself
Set goals that you yourself want to achieve. Don’t set goals that only others, like your mother, want for you, say Nancy and Nadine.
3. Stay motivated
By keeping a positive momentum, it will help you stick to your goals all year long. Change and results won’t always happen immediately – don’t let that discourage you! Prioritize to ensure you accomplish your goals. ”We’re still learning how to let go of the need to control our kids’ homework and chores that aren’t as important,” say Nancy and Nadine.
This fast, easy and delicious smoothie has all the nutrients we need.
Strawberries, bananas, spinach and my FAV, almond milk. (substitute for soy)
Carrots, kale, pineapple, cucumber and squeeze of lemon. The juice next to it is pomegranate.
Check out the cleanse. I lost all water weight (8lbs) being consistent after giving birth to my son.
Want a Holistic way to get you off to a good start?
Flu season is around the corner, so what better time to ensure that everyone in your family has a strong immune system. While I have my personal opinion on the flu shot itself, I am going to throw that aside for this post and share 6 at-home “flu shots” that will boost your immune system naturally. As I sit at home with my 4 year old child who stayed home from school after feeling under the weather; symptoms: diarrhea and low grade fever, I feed him home flu remedies. Both of my children love green juices/smoothies. My daughter rarely is absent from school due to illness however my son is more susceptible to illness as he has asthma and non seasonal and seasonal allergies. Boom, after drinking a boost of his "green machine" juice this morning, he has been energized and ready for the day. My daughter drinks this always to build her immune system and I want my son to be right there with her. I can be a witness to it as I have boosted my immune system for years.
These six shots are made up of real food ingredients that boost your body’s immune system to naturally ward off colds and flus. Some of the below are made with a juicer although if you want to boost your immune system and do not have a juicer or do not wish to invest in one, you can increase the amount of the particular food you consume in your diet.
Apple cider vinegar is just that, a type of vinegar made from apple cider. This ‘Slammer’ contains beta-carotene, which according to the Mayo Clinic possesses antioxidant properties that counteract the damage done by free radicals and in return helps boost your immune system [source]. Find organic, raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar for maximum health benefits.
Shot Recipe: Shoot back a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a two tablespoons of filtered water. Can’t stomach it? I personally suggest mixing a tablespoon with a tall 8oz glass of cold water to dilute it. I also add a touch of raw honey to sweeten it. This source suggests drinking this apple cider daily.
2. “Green Machine”
Green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, and parsley provide a significant amount of nutrients including but not limited to, magnesium, folate, and vitamin B6. These crucial nutrients play an important role in optimal immune health.
Shot Recipe: Toss together a selection of leafy greens in your juicer and enjoy. If you can’t swallow the taste of only vegetables in your juice, throw an apple through the juicer for some natural sweetness.
3. “Cod Liver Kiss”
Fermented Cod Liver Oil is a raw, traditionally fermented food. It contains more Vitamin A per unit weight than any other common food and is a great source of the ever important Omega-3 Fatty Acids. This powerhouse real food helps regulate and improve overall function of your immune system [source]. Read more about Fermented Cod Liver Oil here and here.
Shot Recipe: Fermented Cod Liver Oil comes in two forms. You can source it in its liquid form and take it daily as a shot, or you can choose to purchase it in capsule form. I buy these capsules from a trusted company. Check out the recommended dosage here.
4. “Blueberry Blast”
Blueberries are very high in antioxidants compared to other fruits and vegetables and contain powerful phytochemicals which give the fruit their deep blue color. A recent study done by the University of Oregon shared that the pterostilbene found in blueberries, when combined with vitamin D, could boost the body’s ability to fend off illness.
Shot Recipe: Juice a handful of blueberries and enjoy this sweet and sour drink. You can also simply increase your intake of blueberries if you do not own a juicer or wish to juice them.
5. “Carrot Kicker”
Carrots are an great source of beta carotene. One of beta carotene’s main roles is to support the body’s mucus membrane, which lines the respiratory and intestinal tracts. A strong lining makes it more difficult for bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause you trouble [source].
Shot Recipe: Juice a handful of carrots and enjoy. Don’t have a juicer? Do your best to incorporate carrots into the upcoming weeks menus!
6. “Lemon & Ginger Drop”
Lemon and Ginger are a powerhouse duo. This couple not only supports a strong immune system by the lemon’s Vitamin C content, but together they help fight off an oncoming illness. Lemon juice’s anti-inflammatory qualities soothe sore throats and irritated membranes while the ginger helps cleanse your system.
Shot Recipe: Add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to 3 tablespoons of water. Grate or juice a pinch of ginger and enjoy. Instead of taking this as a shooter you can also enjoy a glass of homemade lemonade and simply add ginger.
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