Our Christmas Bucket List

We wait all year for Christmas and before we know it, the holiday has come and gone. And since Christmas is the busiest holiday of the year, it’s easy to forget all the fun things we can do! Well this year, we want to help keep that disappointment from happening. Here is a bucket list of fun things we usually do as a family before or on Christmas Day! I may be missing some but we do add more each year!
  • Visit Santa and give him our Christmas list
  • Go Ice-Skating when it's really cold
  • Have a Christmas movie marathon (Preferably our norm classics; Home Alone 1 and 2, The Grinch Stole Christmas, A Disney Christmas Carol, It's a wonderful Life)
  • Read "Twas the night before Christmas" on Christmas Eve
  • Go to a Christmas Parade
  • Write a Letter to Santa
  • Decorate a Gingerbread House
  • See Christmas Lights
  • Bake and decorate Christmas cookies
  • Create handmade ornaments
  • Take Christmas photos for Christmas cards
  • Make Homemade Hot Cocoa
  • Fireplace S more's
  • See the Nutcracker live
  • Donate a toy and presents
  • Have a sleepover under the Christmas tree with family and play Christmas games
  • Make a scrapbook of all memories for remembering Papu


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