19 Things People Swear They’ll Never Do Until They Have Kids It’s allso easy before you have one.
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This speaks truth about those who don't have kids. Nothing against them, everyone is entitled to an opinion. I have some friends who aren't parents yet and believe strongly about this below and even had some friends who admitted they believed this but believed wrong until they themselves had kids of their own. It's so funny how our perceptions on parenthood and children initially change once we ourselves become parents. I can say I'm guilty of one or two but I was so young when I had my first child that my perceptions weren't too different as they are today. I didn't get the chance to develop my own opinions around parenthood as I wasn't thinking too hard about it... Until I myself became a parent.
1. Use a leash on my kids.
Nope! You'll never use one of these even if your kid is a "runner," has special needs, or is deathly afraid of crowds. Not you!
2. Complain about being tired.
Gah! All the complaining from parents about being tired! You won't do that. After six months of sleeping no more than a couple hours at a time, we won't hear a peep out of you because you know how annoying it is!
BBC / Via thefrostingeater.tumblr.com
3. Pack on a few extra “parent pounds.”
Unlike most lazy parents, you're going to rise early (after getting up every two hours through the night) and hit the gym. Good for you. Can't wait to see it!
4. Be late.
When you have kids you'll know that no one cares if you have to get yourself and your kids ready, spend half an hour looking for a lost shoe, and load everyone into the car. All they care about is whether you're on time. And you will be, gosh darn it!
5. Bring my kids with me to social events.
How hard could it be to schedule and pay for a babysitter every single time you go out? Am I right?
Touchstone / Via youtube.com
6. Let my kids watch TV.
Unlike lazy parents who plop their kids in front of the TV, you're going to keep your kids occupied by playing educational games, visiting museums, and teaching them to speak Cantonese. So impressive! Way to go, future you!
7. Allow my kids to use an iPad or iPhone.
Won't it be great when your kids see all of their friends with iPads and say, "I'm so glad we don't have one of those, Dad. It would only rot our brains."
8. Fly with a baby or toddler.
There is nothing worse than a crying baby on a plane, so you're not going to fly with your kid until he's at least 4 or 5. Here's hoping your 91-year-old pappy in Minnesota doesn't die in the meantime!
9. Post photos of my kids on Facebook.
Some might call B.S. on this one based on how many photos you post of your lunches, but not me! I have faith in you!
10. Stop going out as much.
Parents who bail on their friends because of their kids are so annoying. You'll never do that. You'll just chug a Red Bull and hire a babysitter! Another babysitter.
Universal Pictures / Via thecheekypeach.tumblr.com
11. Let my home get a little messy.
You like your home spotless, so after a long day of running after the kids, you're going to spend the couple hours before bed cleaning. What discipline!
A&E / Via kateburning.com
12. Not know what’s happening in pop culture.
Parents are so embarrassing when they can't namecheck the new model Leonardo Dicaprio is dating! You, on the other hand, will spend a couple hours researching this stuff after you spend a couple hours cleaning. That'll put your bedtime at about 3 a.m., but it'll be worth it. Just remember...no complaining about being tired!
ABC / Via tvhousehusband.tumblr.com
13. Use “mean” discipline.
Parents are so mean to their kids, but you won't be! You're going to appeal to your kid's sense of logic. For example, if your kid throws a fit because he wants a sugary cereal, you'll explain that the cereal is unhealthy, and that it’s in their best interest to eat bran flakes instead!
14. Let my kids flip out in public.
This will never happen to you, because the second your kid starts getting wound up you'll drop a whole bunch of logic on them!
15. Let my kids eat unhealthy food.
Your kid is going to love to eat vegetables, and not vegetables with cheese either, but raw ones! You're also going to include each food group at every meal, and only serve organic and free-range foods. Can't wait to see how that works out for you!
16. Eat out with my kids.
As opposed to all of the rude parents who force people to be in the presence of their kids at restaurants, you're going to hire a babysitter whenever you want to eat out. That's right. Another one. How much exactly do you plan to budget for babysitters?
17. Let being a parent affect my job.
So what if you're tired every day and can't work as late as you used to. You're going to be the same animal you've always been!
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