They wanted to visit the zoo... So I drove them down the street.
Brace is a street in Garden Villas where Peacocks are known to roam. The neighborhood is known for pecan trees and Peacocks! It is known that two large families of Peacocks roam the streets making it their home as they mingle with other animals in the community. Why a blog about Garden Villas and Peacocks? Well, Garden Villas is not only a beautiful community of homes, families and neighborhood centers, but it hold a special place in my heart as I attended elementary there, my mom taught her 30 years there AND my children are now fortunate to attend as well. Because Garden Villas has been a part of our lives for over 30 years now, we want o keep the tradition. We found out about these Peacocks long ago and when my kiddos are dismissed from school and we have time, we drive by hoping to encounter some along the way. Today they wanted to visit the zoo, but I had just got home from clinical's and it was 3:30pm when the heat was scorching. Once I mentioned Brace street, the heat and the crowd... they opt for that instead. So we parked alongside the street for about 30 minutes and enjoyed a day with the Peacocks. It was just our luck that they were all out! There were even peacock babies!
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