His friends 5th birthday party.
It is important for children to socialize outside of the school settings when they get old enough. It isn't so much about the presents, as it is to share this important day with friends that the child is growing up with throughout the years. My son is 5 years old and attends most of his friends' birthday parties just because. We try to attend his friends birthday celebrations as much as we can. It's beneficial because parents get to know one another. It's so sweet that each child get's special attention at least once a year with their friends. Entering the mommy world of entertaining your children is a big one. By letting them attend their friends celebration's is special. They really get excited about it, and they talk for weeks about it. My son has grown up with this group of friends after his nanny decided to quit the business and move on with her life. Although, small, it is very intimate and most are boys. Boys that he actually shares similarities with. Boys he can play with who share the same interests and "boy things." He always has a blast and as a parent, I feel that it's important to keep my kiddos involved with other children, socially, mentally and physically. Boys need the reassurance from other boys. This is what truly counts... watching them have the time of their lives.
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