Christmas with the Heberts

 Christmas is about spending time with the ones you love and to keep the family traditions alive. Christmas Traditions bring the whole family together! If ever there is a time to embrace some good ol’ family traditions, it is definitely during the Christmas season. This is our most favorite time of the year and when you are gathered with your immediate family, nothing means more. 
Merry Christmas from the Heberts!  
 This Christmas we were so caught up in the light of my graduation from graduate school that our whole world revolved around this. We were so busy, I wasn't able to write as much as I wanted to. Below is a recap of our Christmas and I hope to catch back up on my writings as I am venturing out into something new. I have been wanting to do this for some time but it takes commitment and dedication, however, I think it's time. Anywhooo, here's a recap of our Christmas! 
Happy New Year!!!


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