Making the best of my days off

       As children, we don't quite understand the concept of having a job. It's not always easy for parents to take off of work to meet an obligation at their child's school. Sometimes it's even diffcult to even get off of work early to take them to a doctor's appointment. We know our children would love us to be their for them as much as possible and as parents, we do our very best to do so when we have an opportunity to do it.
       With that being said, this is where we're at now. We get to be those parents... for now. Before it was difficult because our job required our full attention and no days could just be taken off or missed because work had to get done, reports had to be made and money had to be brought in. Now, we are truly lucky. We have jobs where they allow us to be able to either ask off or take off as needed. I've actually had most jobs be pretty flexible but now, we get to take full advantage.
        My son was able to enjoy watching his father and mother talk about their jobs on Career Day! We were the guest speakers and invited a friend along as well. We were the Counselor, Electrician and Correctional officer that stole the show! Another father showed up as a plastic bottle maker, the school lunch ladies as cooks, and two retired Veterenarians! The Kindergardeners were so stoked and they took home lotsof prizes for asking and answering questions. It was definitely a fun day inour books and the teachers were thrilled because we made it ours!
       The 100 days parade was another great time to celebrate with our son. My son and I spent our Sunday working on his project and he couldn't wait to show his friends. It was a superhero kind of project and he loved that daddy and mommy were able to be there for him. Parents, don't feel bad if you can't make it to your kids' events, we were once there too. We completely understand. I am so far the only one who has been fortunate enough to be able to make it to alot of these events because of the flexibility of my job. Jason on the other hand, well, this is his first 100 days parade he was able to be a part of and our kids have been in school for 5 years now. Coincidentally, he was working nights the day he spoke for career day. I'm just so thrilled that the both of us were able to be there for him when we could.


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