20 Signs Your Child May Be Gifted

"Is my child gifted?" Parents often wonder at one point or another whether their child is gifted. My son took the GT test and PASSED. I knew he was a very intelligent little one, however, it never crossed my mind that after he passed his GT test, he would get offers from other schools and programs to join them in their GT high scholars program. AS a mother, I should know everything right? Well, this is new to me and I admit that I had to do some research. Yup. I want to make sure that I have as much knowledge in his academic advancement as possible, that way I am able to know the basics of what my son has got himself into :-) Clueless on the signs? I'm there with ya mom! So, here are some basics to help you identify signs of giftedness in your child.

What Does "Gifted" Mean?

The term "giftedness" is used by different schools, organizations, and cultures in different ways, with some using the term strictly to indicate people with well-above average intelligence as measured by IQ scores, and others embracing a broader range of criteria. The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) offers the following definition:
"Gifted individuals are those who demonstrate outstanding levels of aptitude (defined as an exceptional ability to reason and learn) or competence (documented performance or achievement in top 10 percent or rarer) in one or more domains. Domains include any structured area of activity with its own symbol system (e.g., mathematics, music, language) and/or set of sensorimotor skills (e.g., painting, dance, sports)."

20 Signs of Giftedness

While IQ tests and other assessments can help identify giftedness in school-age children, kids are also commonly identified as gifted by the observations of families, teachers, and friends. Below are some of the characteristic traits of children gifted in terms of general intellectual ability, adapted from a detailed checklist from Austega. Note: no one gifted child exhibits all the traits.
  1. Learns rapidly, easily, and efficiently
  2. Has exceptionally large vocabulary for their age
  3. Demonstrates unusual reasoning power
  4. Has an unusually strong memory, but is bored with memorization and recitation
  5. Needs little outside control — applies self discipline
  6. Has a liking for structure, order, and consistency
  7. Is flexible in thinking patterns; makes unusual associations between remote ideas
  8. Displays a great curiosity about objects, situations, or events; asks provocative questions
  9. Makes good grades in most subjects
  10. Has a power of concentration, an intense attention that excludes all else
  11. Provides very alert, rapid answers to questions
  12. Is resourceful, solving problems by ingenious methods
  13. Has avid interest in science or literature
  14. Reveals originality in oral and written expression
  15. Has a power of abstraction, conceptualization and synthesis
  16. Is secure emotionally
  17. Tends to dominate peers or situations
  18. Uses a lot of commonsense
  19. Displays a willingness to accept complexity
  20. Is perceptually open to his or her environment
Austega also provides lists of giftedness characteristics in other categories such as specific academic aptitude, creative thinking and production, leadership, psychomotor ability, and visual and performing arts.


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