Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. ~ Proverbs 4:7
Today marks exactly 7 days before my beautiful daughter turns 11. Oh how I miss the days when she was just a baby. The days she was fond of me and I was this perfect creature who she adored and could never be without. The days she longed to be in my arms every second of the day. The days she fell asleep on my chest after being nursed. The days I never imagined her life 11 years later. And here-- I am.. writing a post for her 7 days before her 11th birthday. My how time flies. These have been my fondest years with her. Her personality has become a joy to watch. She is the silliest of the family and could care less who is watching. She has grown into a confident and adventure seeking young girl who I completely trust and have faith in. 11 years later she still falls asleep in my arms and longs to be with me every second of the day, telling me all her dreams, wishes and secrets. There is nothing that I would change about who she is becoming and I am proud to be her mother.
ALAS- these past few months have been a bit overwhelming for her. She is realizing her years as a little girl are quickly drifting away and her days as a young girl are slowly creeping in. This is a hard pill to swallow for a young girl transitioning into a young woman.
Here are 30 Life Lessons I encourage my daughter to learn while becoming a young woman. It's never to early to teach and continue to be the role model you were created to be for her:
1. Regardless of where you are, life is more than you know. You will never know it all. Keep learning.
2. God is greater than all our experiences put together. Come what may, He is always dependable.
3. Give yourself the gift of a smile each day.
4. Take even the most ridiculous things to prayer. In essence, pray much more than you complain.
5. Every day furnishes us another chance to “Try, Thrive and Triumph” where we have failed.
6. Give yourself the permission to love and be loved. You deserve it.
7. You will bask in hope when you give it to others. “What You Make Happen For Others, God will make Happen for you.”
8. Celebrate your victories. No matter how small they are, you have moved a milestone.
9. You are not perfect; God is, and He alone can make your messes turn out beautiful.
10. Everyone is coming from somewhere and heading elsewhere; ensure you travel with those going your way.
11. Make gratitude your mantra.
12. Work, pursue your passions, use your God-given gifts and be happy doing it.
13. The girl behind the mirror is special, unique and has a purpose; love her and take care of her.
14. Waste no time trying to impress others; rather invest in building “you”.
15. Competition is a girlfriend’s enemy. Enjoy networking and nurturing friendships.
16. Relationships and people matter more than possessions. Value those around you.
18. Listen with two ears, you have a lot to learn.
19. Be proactive, save, and invest.
20. You will get criticized for the craziest things. Keep moving.
21. Be careful who you share your problems with; there is a lot of the heart you cannot tell.
22. Friends make life more colorful; choose the ones that add more brightness and sparkle to your life and the ones who encourage your light to shine more.
23. People will fail, people will leave, and others would hurt you, but remember God is always with you through all of those times.
24. There are life experiences that humble you, some teach you, others make you laugh, some are very difficult. Don’t forget to take the lessons, wrap them and tuck them away safely. You may have to unwrap those lessons later in life.
25. You are God’s leading lady; don’t leave your kindest courtesies in the house. Someone is watching.
26. Forgiveness is a door we always have to open if you must fruitfully navigate the maze of life. Going through the door becomes easier when you open it with your heart.
27. Your kindness and compassion go a very long way.
28. Be heaven-ready; you can be called home at any time. Live a life accountable to God.
29. Be careful of what waves your senses-antenna are receiving. Be mindful of what you see, what you hear, what you feel, and what you say.
30. What God says about you is final – the world notwithstanding.
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