Following my blog...

I think I'm finally ready. At first, this blog was for only me to vent (hence "diaries" in the title). A place where I could freely speak my mind on my journey of young motherhood. A place where if someone came across it, they too, would be encouraged and inspired. A place where young mothers could relate to each other in real life situations. A place where soon to be mothers, could see what motherhood entails. And for me, a place where I could finally talk openly about my journey, life, love and struggles, because motherhood is not an easy journey, yet it is an amazing and adventurous one. 
I think I'm ready. Ready for it to be public. Ready for it to be known. Sure, it was known before and I appreciate every single person, follower and mother who reads my blog everyday! I have met so many amazing mothers who have also inspired me, who have taught me a lot I didn't already know and who have opened their blogs up for me to share. Now, I am grateful to be able to share my story and experiences to those who have been where I have and to those who soon will be. 
With over 5,000 views and tremendous emails from mommy's around the world daily (US, United Kingdom, Morocco, Russia, South Korea) in such a short period of time, I am amazed and thankful that I can be that inspiration. I love how inspiring people makes me feel. If I can detour just ONE person from making the same mistakes I have made or even learn from each one, encourage just ONE person to keep pushing forward or reroute just ONE person in a positive fulfilling direction that speaks life in young motherhood, THEN, that's success for me! 
I have joined a network for blogs and am taking my journey further. With so many followers as it is, I now want to see you, meet you and know who all of you are. You have a listening ear and I am glad I can share my journey with you. I am a follower of many blogs and I will follow your journey too. Together we can learn so much! 


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