Milk for Thought...Breaking News!

'Nurse-In' Staged at BWI Airport Updated: Wednesday, August 7 2013, 10:48 PM EDT More than 30 mothers staged a "nurse-in" at BWI this morning, in support of a Laurel mother who says she was mistreated while breastfeeding her five-month-old son on an American Airlines flight from LA to Dulles Airport. The woman says her husband blocked the view of her feeding their child from his middle seat. That's when she says the flight attendant asked her to cover her child with a blanket. After writing to the airline to voice her concerns, the mother received a response that said in part, "We simply ask that breast-feeding be done with…a sense of modesty." By Wednesday evening there were dozens of comments on American Airlines' Facebook page that expressed anger at how the situation was handled. Several mothers posted photos of themselves breastfeeding in protest.

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text size 'Nurse-In' Staged at BWI Airport Updated: Wednesday, August 7 2013, 10:48 PM EDT More than 30 mothers staged a "nurse-in" at BWI this morning, in support of a Laurel mother who says she was mistreated while breastfeeding her five-month-old son on an American Airlines flight from LA to Dulles Airport. The woman says her husband blocked the view of her feeding their child from his middle seat. That's when she says the flight attendant asked her to cover her child with a blanket. After writing to the airline to voice her concerns, the mother received a response that said in part, "We simply ask that breast-feeding be done with…a sense of modesty." By Wednesday evening there were dozens of comments on American Airlines' Facebook page that expressed anger at how the situation was handled. Several mothers posted photos of themselves breastfeeding in protest.

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text size 'Nurse-In' Staged at BWI Airport Updated: Wednesday, August 7 2013, 10:48 PM EDT More than 30 mothers staged a "nurse-in" at BWI this morning, in support of a Laurel mother who says she was mistreated while breastfeeding her five-month-old son on an American Airlines flight from LA to Dulles Airport. The woman says her husband blocked the view of her feeding their child from his middle seat. That's when she says the flight attendant asked her to cover her child with a blanket. After writing to the airline to voice her concerns, the mother received a response that said in part, "We simply ask that breast-feeding be done with…a sense of modesty." By Wednesday evening there were dozens of comments on American Airlines' Facebook page that expressed anger at how the situation was handled. Several mothers posted photos of themselves breastfeeding in protest.

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Breastfeeding. Babies need it. Cracked nipples, poor latch, exclusively breastfeeding, reaching the one year mark, it becomes you and you feel proud. Proud to say you are thinking healthy for you and your baby. I remember it like it was yesterday. My children never knew what a bottle was, let alone a pacifier. And man, because I was a young mother, believe it or not, I was criticized for following through with it for as long as I did. I felt opposite.  I felt lucky and proud to have attained all the little goals I had set as my daughter, son and I embarked on our breastfeeding journey. For me, it was such a beautiful thing. I was able to experience something different, just me and my baby could do together. But the best, and most unexpected at my age, was success and how the impact of breastfeeding had on my perspective as a parent. AND the BOND.  Oh, the bond.  I read about it, but until I looked down at my daughter as she nursed, I couldn’t comprehend it.  I learned to trust my instincts in all aspects of parenting.  I thank breastfeeding for that.  The act of breastfeeding facilitated all my favorite things about the first year of motherhood.  The co-sleeping cuddles, wearing my daughter in a carrierlearning her cues, the emotional and intimate connection to this little being and the most fun... Breastfeeding in public! 

World Breastfeeding Week is started Monday, August 1st. 

I'm so proud of these woman who were able to protest that Breastfeeding should not be taken for granted. It's not that we don't appreciate the respect for others' comments and or ridicule, it's the fact breastfeeding is beautiful and just because mothers who choose breastfeeding as a food source, shouldn’t mean we have to hide it in public. Mothers who have chosen to bottle feed their children understand that when their child gets hungry and whinny, they automatically make them a bottle while in public. Do they hurry to the restroom to hide while feeding the baby? No. Same goes for mothers who chose to breastfeed. If baby is hungry and whinny, it is our job as mothers to give our child what they need and if that includes pulling out a BOOB to nurse a hungry baby in public, then that’s the decision we as parent/mothers make. Some may not agree and I completely understand however a mother has to do, what a mother has to do.

NURSE-IN Staged at BWI Airport

Read the full article here!

Updated: Wednesday, August 7 2013, 10:48 PM EDT More than 30 mothers staged a "nurse-in" at BWI this morning, in support of a Laurel mother who says she was mistreated while breastfeeding her five-month-old son on an American Airlines flight from LA to Dulles Airport. The woman says her husband blocked the view of her feeding their child from his middle seat. That's when she says the flight attendant asked her to cover her child with a blanket. After writing to the airline to voice her concerns, the mother received a response that said in part, "We simply ask that breast-feeding be done with…a sense of modesty." By Wednesday evening there were dozens of comments on American Airlines' Facebook page that expressed anger at how the situation was handled. Several mothers posted photos of themselves breastfeeding in protest.

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'Nurse-In' Staged at BWI Airport Updated: Wednesday, August 7 2013, 10:48 PM EDT More than 30 mothers staged a "nurse-in" at BWI this morning, in support of a Laurel mother who says she was mistreated while breastfeeding her five-month-old son on an American Airlines flight from LA to Dulles Airport. The woman says her husband blocked the view of her feeding their child from his middle seat. That's when she says the flight attendant asked her to cover her child with a blanket. After writing to the airline to voice her concerns, the mother received a response that said in part, "We simply ask that breast-feeding be done with…a sense of modesty." By Wednesday evening there were dozens of comments on American Airlines' Facebook page that expressed anger at how the situation was handled. Several mothers posted photos of themselves breastfeeding in protest.

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