What it's really like being a Young Mami!

To this day, it doesn't stop with comments up the ass with peoples' opinions and reactions on young motherhood. And it's really not as bad as it seems but it can get old, like a broken record that won't stop playing! It's actually very refreshing and with my personality, it has changed from being annoyed to actually laughing inside and saying loudly and profoundly that "YES THESE ARE MY CHILDREN AND YES IM YOUNG AND SKINNY! I know I look young. I know I may look like I do not have a 7 YEAR OLD or a 4 YEAR OLD because my body isn't part of the "stereotypical mother" figure with stretch marks, saggy breasts, and big hips. But I am a mother and these days, many mother are looking more and more like me. I was reading a blog from a fellow blogger whom I find very inspiring. Her name is Michelle and she too is a young mom who has been through the same journey of young motherhood. She posted this blog on 8/14/2013 and below is a link to it.
I found it quite interesting as she put together sayings all young mothers have to repeatedly hear day after day from strangers and crazy enough, family/friends.This it the nail on the head and made me laugh so hard at my desk. ENJOY Young Mami's! (and don't forget to visit and follow her blog)

“You’re pregnant?! Was it planned?”
“You’re a mom?! Oh my gaaahhh, I could never be a mom right now! I’m way too irresponsible! Aren’t you sad you can’t party? Or have a life? Oh my gahhh!”
“Oh you’re Catholic (Mormon/Mexican/Southern…) — no wonder you’re a young mom!”
“Ha. Babies having babies.”
“I’m so sorry. You could have done big things with your life.”
“If my tax-payer money is going to pay for that baby, I’ll have an opinion about it.”
(I see this gem in Internet comment sections all the time.)
“Is that your husband — I mean boyfriend — I mean baby daddy — I mean…”
“Are your parents here to help you?”
“So? Where’s your ring? When’s the big day?”
“Are you the nanny?”
“Well…at least you’re a MILF!”
“Do your kids have the same fathers?”
“Ugh I could never have a kid yet. I don’t want to ruin my life.”
“You look WAY too young to have a baby!”


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