WAIT! I'm 7 years old now!!
It was only 8am, when I woke up late on a Saturday... For some reason, my body has adapted to waking up early every morning, like an alarm! I cannot seem to sleep with no disturbances, past 7am. I was lucky this day to have slept til 8am. I heard something in the living-room so I went to check. Sure enough, as I turned the corner, my 7 year old daughter was smiling right at me. Now, this is the first of many, where she wakes up before me or her brother. Daddy sleeps in of course; he has NO problem with that! I wish I could have the same problem, sleeping in past 7am… lol. And Elijah wakes up at least between 7am and 7:30am too.
Since Mykaila turned 7, she has had this attitude of "mature-ness" (is that even a word?..lol). I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or a bad thing with her. She loves helping out with chores and loves being the boss of things. " I'm older than you", she tells her brother every time she feels like competing with him and boy does it kill him on the inside! Lol. BUT, what I can say is, she is VERY protective of her brother and she NEVER forgets to include him in anything!
She makes it known that she is the oldest and that she can
handle responsibilities. I really need to get this down on paper with her signature,
just like I need to get her signature on her saying; she will NEVER get married
or leave mommy and daddy! I will post that letter soon with her signature soon!
morning, she was extremely excited to have been able to fend for herself! No mommy help, daddy help or brother bugging her. I
told her, she is more than welcome too enjoy alone time, but just to be careful and if she
couldn’t do something and needed mommy’s help, she is always welcome to call to me.
Is this the protective mother in me? Because I just want to make sure she has
everything she needs when she needs it. Wait, I should be happy about her
independence right!? I should be jumping for JOY (literally) that she no longer needs my help or me having to be by her side always... But
I’m not. I want to always be at her beckon call! I know, I know... I need to
allow my baby girl to grow up. And I am. Slowly but surely.
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