Grandparents Day... Not like any other.

Today was a very emotional day for the kiddos as it was grandparents day at school... M took it the hardest and has been crying herself to sleep more often. I can't imagine what life would be like if my parents weren't a part of their lives. But thanks to their grandma Judy (Jason's mom) for being there (even though M says it's not the same) and the FaceTime chats with her Papu and Mamu for filling in the space, the kiddos made it....
You see, my parents are in Florida so my dad can take his treatments for lymphoma he was suddenly diagnosed with  -And it's been rough without them. Last night especially for my daughter, was very difficult. I have never experienced my daughter feel so much hurt and pain from not being able to see her grandparents (my parents). They have this strong amazing bond with each other that she carries with her. It's been over six weeks that she has not seen them face-to-face physically and it's killing her because she used to see them everyday. Because she's the oldest she understands much more than her little brother. She was telling me things last night that I never thought would come out of her mouth. First she was saying how much she missed her papu and how she wishes he was here so she can hold him and make him feel better. She then said she wanted to just hold his hand one more time and tell him everything is going to be okay... That she will always be there for him no matter what wvwn when he comes back home... That shes praying for him everyday because she loves him. 
As she was saying this, she was crying with the most painful cry I've ever seen. Jason and I just held her and told her everything would be okay and papu will be coming home soon. She said she understood but that everything is different now and because tomorrow is grandparents day she won't have him or mamu there with her. She began throwing this tantrum, crying as loud as she could, at the top of her lungs yelling how much she misses them and is missing a peice of her. I was trying to be strong and hold in the tears but it was such a tear jerker. I began crying with her and said we need to be strong together for papu. Jason then took us three, hugged us tight and told us everything will be ok.
We then told her that grandma Judy would be able to make it tomorrow because she was not working and that she was still her grandma that loves her very much too. At first she didn't want to accept it but we began calming her down and she accepted, so we called his mom to make arrangements. During this time her brother was watching everything and decided to cry with her. It's a very hard time for them right now because they do have a very strong, close bond with my parents. My parents were there from the beginning; Prenatal, birth, infant, child, and now M feels like she's been abandoned. Not in a sense of being left behind but in a sense where she doesn't understand why they just picked up and left so quickly. She says she knows and she gets it, but I believe it's just hard for her to grasp at this time. 
The great thing about it is, we FaceTime all the time, so she can see them and talk to them whenever she wants. I don't know what I would do if there was no such thing as FaceTime, Skype or any of this technology.  
As the days go by it seems that she is taking it harder but only because the time without them is becoming reality. She finally said her last words before she fell asleep crying in my arms, "I just want Papu to get better and understand he cant come home now until he gets better and when he does, I can have him around for a long time."  


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