Kids School Open House

What do we really expect from school open houses today? Back when I was a kid, (I barely remember my open houses but) I do remember it was more exciting. Tonight, was quite interesting. The principal presented each primary grade level teacher (Pre-Kinder, Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade). They all sang a song for introduction and a power point presentation was presented. This all took at least 45 minutes in time and the open house was times from 6-7. I personally wanted more time with my children's teachers.
As soon as we were released to visit with the teachers and learn what this year will bring to our children, we ran for the door towards my sons pre-kinder class. This school year brought many changes and because this is my son's first year in a public school, this is definitely something new. I learned from his Pre-kinder teacher that he is in a split class... Meaning he is not only obtaining Pre-kinder educational "stuff", BUT he is also obtaining Kindergarten educational "stuff." This class will require more writing work and sight reading. Why is this? Well, the goal for Pre-K is to have all students read before entering Kindergarten. Is this possible? I think so, but it will be more strenuous on the teacher and for mom. There is only one teacher for this particular split class and he made the cut! I feel positively about this and I will do my very best to help and encourage him all the way, for he is the future.
My daughter's class is on the other side of the campus. As we walked there she looked at me and her dad and said "you guys are going to be proud of me right?" We looked at each other then looked back at her and said "always!" We didn't realize that she was just setting us up. This year her teacher was her dance teacher from last year, however she won't be teaching dance this year but cheer is always open for her she said. About her second-grade academics, I feel the same way about the teacher. My daughter does have a low confidence level when it comes to school work. I'm not sure why but I'm sure it has something to do with her personality of being shy. Any how, this year is also going to be different for her. They have a block schedule now... She has four classes; math, science, reading/writing and social studies. Pretty interesting for 2nd grade I think. 
It's crazy how these kids are growing up so fast! Plus I just signed a form for each to start their music classes. (Hence, Garden Villas MUSIC Academy)
He will be in piano class and she is taking Violin! Whoo hoo! I took violin all the way to high school. (Something I wish I kept doing)


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