And so it beginsssss.....

Months went by with no computer or internet access and I was awaiting the day til we were hooked up again with comcast. Eventually, after months passed, we found the perfect little house and I immediately called for comcast. Still no computer and thats when we decided to purchase a new one. A touchsmart HP. One of our best decisions. Although not an Apple brand, it had way more GB's, hard drive, touch screen and webcam (facetoface) compatible. Perfect!

Even after we were set with internet and a computer, I had no spare time to continue with my blog again. I was super swamped with my new work load that I wanted to spend my quality time with the kiddos. I was the one getting home passed 6pm because my job is 45 minutes away adding traffic time which makes it a lot worse. I was missing those play times, homework help times and cooking times with my hubby and kiddos that blogging would just take up more time away from them.

Then I realized, what about the weekends? If I spent a period of time with them during the weekdays after work and dinner, then on the weekends we could have playdates and during their naps and my free time, I could be blogging. Of course, that shit didnt work either. I just had to wait for the perfect time because at this point, the kiddos weren't atking their nap times and every time i sat at the computer chair, they would hover around me. I am such a busy mom that time away from my kiddos would be a waste but hell, I need me time too!

This kissing Justin beiber thing from a 4 year old is getting "OLD". I mean when MnM said it the first few times "Mommy i'm going to kiss Justin Beiber and you can't do anything about it", it was funny and a little cute. But now she seems determined to run away from home for a day and find this boy so she can kiss him and say she did for the next few weeks until she finds another boy to runaway to and kiss.


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