"Head" stand kids... Literally!

So it's a Friday night and Jason is working late so the kiddos and I are trying to find something fun to do... at home. While we start dancing in the living room and doing cartwheels and flips, we decided to take it to the next level. Handstands. Except in last night's case... -"head" stands! I showed them how to do a handstand in the middle of the living room. They tried and tried and tried to balance. It was so hilarious watching them try but they couldn't do it (i knew this, i just wanted them to have fun trying). So, I decided to make it easier on them. I had them watch me do it against the kitchen wall. They were determined and decided it was their turn to try it on the wall. They tried and tried and tried and couldn't seem to get it down yet... Until... My daughter had a brilliant idea! "Let's put pillows on the floor against the wall and let our heads rest while our feet have fun, you know, headstands!" Lol. So they tried it and did it! They made it a night. We did this for almost and hour, just having fun doing headstands, tricks and competitions. They were perfecting it perfectly and would then have races on who would make it on the wall first straight as possible the fastest. This wasn't the best part... They heard daddy's truck driving up the driveway and decided to surprise him as he walked in. Priceless moment: as he walked in, we were all in headstand position greeting him home from work. Talk about one fun night! Lol. 


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