Not your Average 26 Yr Old

As I am sitting at my desk (at work), there are a million and one things that I should be doing right now, BUT, I am NOT! Instead, I am writing this blog today. Aside from all the paperwork and phone calls, I've decided to take a break. 
I wish I was home right now. This Houston weather is perfect weather to be at home... Rainy, dark and thundering. Why can't I be at home? Well, I'm not. Just like I'm not the average 26 year old. At my age, people have stereotyped me as being a minority, Latina girl who had two kids at too young of an age who didn't finish school. Boy, are they wrong. I am the total opposite! But because of this, it has made me a stronger person and I sit here today thinking of how far I've come. Being young and having two children isn't as easy BUT it isn't impossible. People are quick to assume a woman as young as I was couldn't accomplish much. Well, as I sit here and smile, I know I have accomplished more than they imagined. Not just for them, but for myself. Is it rare? It can be. But I believe in others and am able to share my story with them when needed. 
Imagine you have your whole life a head of you, planned out. You recently graduated high school and are now enrolled in college. You meet the love of your life and nothing else matters until you realize, your pregnant. That was my story. The story of my life. I was in my second year and was planning on going to the FBI academy and be something great! Well, plans change. Sure, I could have stayed on that path but realizing I'm bringing life into this world shed some light on the fact that my child needed me more than my plans. I changed majors immediately and decided to go towards a more strenuous study... Dun dun dun... People! I was set on learning how children, adolescents adults and others think. I set out for a degree in psychology, changed after about 64 credit hours and gained knowledge in communication. My professors inspired me to use my voice, knowledge and looks for the television world. I was heading towards broadcasting. Then, it hit me, that's what everyone else wanted but was it really what I wanted? Not really. I then was expecting my second child, after three years from my first. I then pursued social sciences and psychology. I ended up graduating with my Bachelors in Communication and Social Sciences with a minor in psychology in 2008 at 21 years old! I did it all in as little as four years! Yes. Im definitely not your average 26 year old. I had discourages and disappointments along the way but what really kept me going, was knowing I had my two children by my side and accomplishing this would only teach them to never give up on their dreams and goals. I am a prime example and am very proud to say I DID IT. 

Did it end there? Nope. I decided then to take a break and get into the world of what people call today, "a job" or "work". After a few years of a nice well needed break, my life was moving fast. I decided to take on graduate school for counseling! I am happy to say my life is exactly where it should be. People change everyday and time flies when your having fun, but in the end, everything I do is for myself an the well being of my children. I can say I have made it this far with people like my parents, who never gave up on me and who stood by my side when I felt like truly giving up. No one, knows what it took for me to be where I am at today. My story has spread to many and I use my experience to share with young girls, parents, women and those minorities who are stereotyped as not fulfilling their goals. Those who don't have hope. And those who don't believe they can do it alone. I believe I am here to make a difference in lives. To change the world, one young minority at a time. This is not even half of my story, but the journey of my life has only begun. I'm not just your average 26 year old. I'm more than that. 

"Be the change you want to see in the world -M. Ghandi"


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