This years Summer Bucket List

Summer is full of opportunity to do those things you put off during the school year because there is just never enough time.  It is tempting to sign your kids up for a million activities, but I personally like to provide a good amount of unstructured, creative free time where we can just enjoy being together as a family without rushing around. Even though I work full-time as well as Jason, my mom is off (retired) therefore it doesn't hurt to pass along this helpful list to her. 
 Summertime is just about taking it easy, choosing what we want to do and forgetting the rest. I get a little dreamy and over ambitious with my summer plans especially if I decide to take one summer class... but it never hurts to have a list of activities to choose from regardless. There are only 9 days left! Whether I start summer school or not, my kids will still be out for two months... I want to make sure to keep them busy!
Here’s my summer bucket list:
  • Plant a garden.
  • Have a library/park/ice cream day each week.
  • Make homemade ice cream.
  • Slip-n-slide, sidewalk chalk, jump rope and bubbles.
  • Grill at least once a week.
  • Help the kids de-junk their bedrooms.
  • Do a lemonade and used book stand.
  • Teach my almost 8-year-old how to do laundry.
  • Visit a natural history museum.
  • Eat tons of watermelon, berries, corn on the cob and popsicles.
  • Go biking at the beach or anywhere.
  • Have a game and movie day in our PJs.
  • De-junk the craft cupboard.
  • Go to the zoo & aquarium.
  • Play night games outside with flashlights.
  • Visit a pick your own fruit farm.
  • Go to the beach & pool. (Lots!)
  • Initiate an end of summer block party.
  • Teach my kids to make their own lunch and clean it up.
  • Tie dye.
  • Frequent the Farmer’s Market.
  • Visit an observatory.
  • Get a trampoline.
  • Attend outdoor concerts.
  • Paint their bedroom.
  • Do another drive in movie theater.
  • Go beach camping.
  • Catalog the home videos from the last few years.
  • Go to a county fair.
  • Be “screen free” from 9-5 every day.
  • Eat outside.


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