Young Mommy's: An everyday adventure.

From the moment you find out you're expecting to the moment you feel the baby kick inside you, memories will be made. From the moment you push for baby to enter this world to the moment you celebrate their first birthday, more memories will be made. From the moment baby walks to the moment that baby talks, moments come and go and memories are made yet again. BUT... Then it happens. Motherhood. You realize, it doesn't ever stop. Time does not wait for you. Motherhood gives no breaks. Your baby is no longer a baby. Your baby is a child, a young adult. It's amazing. It feels like yesterday that I gave birth to my first born. She will be 8 years old this July and I can't believe it. I have two close friends that were a part of my life from high school. Katie, whom is my best friend, and had her first daughter a year before I had Mykaila. My other friend Valerie had her first daughter a few years before us all. All we were waiting for was Julie. We all danced in our high school dance team and graduated together BUT Julie was the "smart one" LOL. She waited to get married, worked full-time, enjoyed her married life then 9 months ago they found out they were expecting. I swear all my friends are either mothers or pregnant. but I can tell you one thing...
There's no better feeling in the world than to be pregnant for nine months, give birth to a beautiful baby then watch them grow up. Motherhood... It's an amazing adventure Julie. You will be great! #youngmami's
 Franssss since 9th grade! Today will be the last day we see our Julie... Pregnant. We welcome Baby Braden Tuesday if not sooner ♥ #Itsherturn #AuntieJoi #14yearsandcounting #motherhoodrocks #youngmami's @luvs_2_laf @angelkisses507 @valerieannyann
From Rangerette pompoms to motherhood. 14 years and going strong. Can't wait for the last of our pack Julie Brogdon to welcome a baby into this world! Less than 48 hours to go before your world changes forever!!!


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