My responsibilities as a mother...

Summer is soon approaching and my daughter will have to choose between dance and cheer for the next school year. She's stuck and doesn't know which road to take. Since she's been able to participate in extracurricular activities, she's been juggling both each year. 
This upcoming year because she's incorporating piano into her schedule, she needs to choose only one. Cheer truly has been fun. She has grown so much this past year and her fears of having stage fright have diminished, slowly but surely. Her end of the year cheer banquet at Bass Pro Shop in Pearland, Tx was a success and she will be missing all of her 5th grade girlfriends who will be leaving and entering middle school... Dun dun dun! I can't even fathom those years... Her Papu (my dad) would be super proud. He always looked forward to seeing her progress and grow into a beautiful intelligent young lady. She mentioned him last night as we were eating dinner, "I wish Papu was here with me mommy. It's just not the same without him." And as always, my eyes watered up and I told her he was here with us watching her on this big day. 
Today was her end of the year field trip in which makes it bittersweet for her. Dance and cheer came together to celebrate a great year and as I was chaperoning the girls, I could see how close she has become with them. These girls aren't half as bad as my sons little friends. Just sitting the bus and listening to their conversations ate priceless. Sometimes I wonder what she talks about when I'm not around. It will be a tough decision for her to make but I know she will make the right one. 


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