Their last day of school

Today is my kiddos last day of school... No more homework, no more field trips, no more school events, no more.
As I sit here waiting for them to get out of school, I realize this will be the last day my daughter will be in 2nd grade and the last day my son will be in Pre-K; she is officially a 3rd grader and he is officially a Kindergardener. Where has time gone? My children are growing and I can't stop them. They are growing into a world that needs them. I believe God only brought them here for that purpose; to be what he made them to be and that is extraordinary.
I can remember when they were just tiny babies I was rocking to sleep. My oldest would sleep with me so timidly and still to this day she is my princess. I Ioved every moment spent raising her. She is a bright little angel with a fierce and outspoken personality. The times we spent together before my youngest was born and even now, have been a challenge but I'll take that any day. 
My youngest isn't a baby anymore and I too loved the moments of rocking him to sleep so quietly and warm in my arms. I can remember the day he came with me to drop off his sister in pre-K and I never imagined I would be doing the same with him a few years later. With him it's bittersweet for me because he's my little man and not only do I wish to keep rocking him to sleep but I also wish to see him as an older version of himself as well; strong and outspoken, like his sister but in his own edgy way. 
They are incredible human beings and I can only imagine how fun although I'm sure extremely difficult, it will all be however I'm always ready for a challenge because I know, my children will grow up to be fine adults. They are my superheroes. 


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