Cowabunga, I deserve Mommy of the year award!

Yes, we sure did go all out!
Five is a huge milestone for a kid. To be five is to live... Without a care in the world. To live in a fantasy world where everything is perfect and everyone is your hero. No one has let you down yet. No one has placed you in a category. Everything is fun and games. Oh, how I wish I was five again. My oldest has passed this milestone and now it's my sons turn. We made it big for her at that age and I wanted to do the same for my youngest. 
He's in the stage where superheroes are everything to him and the TMNT are just that. They're everything. His whole world revolves around them and to make his bday party centered around him and the TMNT, was priceless. This is how we celebrated:
It's go time dudes! Get your kiddos ready for a turtle-ly epic shell-abration! Join us for games/activities, face-paint, balloon fun and more! Meet us at the sewer lair AKA Elijah's House! Don't forget about the candy station and studio style photo booth! And of course, PIZZA will be served dude. 
There's even a special hour visit from Leonardo himself where he will teach the kiddos his fighting style and get them participating in interactive activities!!! How awesome is that!?!? Bring your cameras and get ready for some hands-on turtle domination fun! He will be leaving on a bday trip to see the TMNT in Florida, so feel free to gift him with spending cash!


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