Director of Operations: World's Toughest Job

Wow!!! This was right on the dot! I am in tears right now while writing this. Omg... Why? I don't know. Maybe because I can relate to this in every way. I am who I am because of my own. She has taughte me everything I need to know on being a wonderful mother. And by no means does that mean I'm perfect. No parent is. That's where the beauty is. We take each day as it goes and learn from the mistakes we make along the way. It molds us to be better, do better and know our children are raised through our values. I know as a mother, that my children will grow up to be amazing adults. Not because I'm their mom, but because of what is instilled in them. I know they will be proud of me and one day be in the interviewers spot. Thanking me for everything I have done as I do with my own mother. Those who are not yet mom's need to watch this! Are you ready to accept this position? And all moms out there who already accepted this position... Kudos to you.

24 People Who Applied for the World's Toughest Job Were In for Quite a Surprise 

Read full article here:
Below are a few responses from my fellow mommy friends:
Carla DeAlejandro I cried through this while straightening my hair this morning. I had eyeliner everywhere. I love this!
Joi Valdez I know right!!!
Valerie Ann Layton You know, I thought running after a toddler getting into everything while my infant breastfeeding was tough all while dealing with crap I didn't want to be dealing with alone and worrying about that impacting my milk supply was rough. Nope, that stuff was a piece of toddler stands at my nose now, she's strong and hormonal, while getting after her for bullying her sister and cousin the other night, she yelled at me and then she slammed a door in my face. #mommyproblems Can't they stay babies forever and ever? #tear This video sure did make me want to make my mama a bad ass Mother's Day card.
Joi Valdez Absolutely Valerie . I just showed my mom this video, kissed her and wasnt expecting her to say "you're such a great mom Joi, your kiddos will def appreciate all you do for them." I told her "If it wasn't for all you taught me, I wouldn't be who I am today" we cried together for a minute. These are the moments that count.
Katie H I see this on someone else's page earlier, but actually watched it when you posted it. I struggle some days thinking what I do is not enough, but I know it's means the world to my girls. This video really is spot on, but didn't even mention working while doing it all..Oh the struggle
Valerie Ann Layton Right on Katie, right on.
Joi Valdez Exactly. And those that have school on top of that too. We're def not perfect. Motherhood is not perfect. We have imperfections that our kids see passed. It's a tough job but worth every minute. When you think about what he interviewed for, it's all true. 24/7 no breaks and no vacation. Very intuitive. I'm glad he did this. Us mothers need more appreciation.
Valerie Ann Layton Yup. It goes both ways. I went to bed with tears in my eyes and brokenhearted the night Emilee flipped.... She crawled into bed with me crying and apologized for her behavior and we talked things through. She sees through my imperfections and I see through hers. This mommy thing never gets easy. But it's pretty damn cool.
Joi Valdez Very cool. We too have to be appreciative of what God has blessed us with. Never taking a moment for granted. Not many get to or want to experience what we do. I'm thankful everyday.
Jessica Sterbanz Awww I started reading this earlier but actually watched the video right now...some people don't realize what it really takes. The only breaks are when they're sleeping which is never it seems haha
Darlin Johnston I love this video! I love my son and looking forward to meeting my daughter soon. Everything we do for the love of our children. I owe everything to my mom. She taught me so much. I love her to pieces. She is my best friend.
Joi Valdez I hear ya Darlin
Julie Ann Brogdon Y'all know how amazing my mom is... Without her, I wouldn't have gotten where I am today. She was my mom and dad since I was 14. I am going to base my motherhood on a lot of what I learned from her.
Valerie Ann Layton She's a tough cookie Julie as are you


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