Sh*t, Now I have to becareful what I say...

Do you remember when your kiddos were young, innocent and barely comprehensible? Not in a dumb founded kind of way but, when they just couldn't understand your adult hidden languages. For instance, speaking in a different language so they wouldn't understand your arguments, conversations or simple things you just didn't want them to hear and they had no idea what you were talking about, let alone even care... Pssshhh, now they want to know everything and they're up in your business, I can't hide anything from them anymore! I try to speak in Spanish so they won't understand, but they've memorized the phrases or sentences that I say and pick up on what they actually mean. It's crazy how much they know without being taught the language directly. You know, even the sign language you used to use such as; nonverbal cue's, isn't even an option as they are quick to pick up it's meaning or then start playing the guessing game. I've tried but nothing works anymore. 
How about, cursing? I used to be able bad mouth when I "needed" too without them understanding or making a shocking comment about what I had just said when I was angry or coffee spilled on my dress before work, or phone cracked after dropping it... It feels like decades ago when I didn't feel like I was walking on egg shells. Well, this is what happened today. They called me out... It wasn't something I was expecting and I couldn't help but laugh to myself thinking, "wow". I’m definitely not perfect. I don’t always do it right. But I know, my children know better and I know they will grow up to be adults who know the difference between right and wrong. As a mother, my job, wait.... my daily privilege, is to help my kids on their journey towards adulthood. And during that time I will occasionally curse. In front of them. Not at them. I wouldn't encourage my kids to use a curse word. Nor would I let them drink wine. But I certainly don't wait until they're in bed before I go for a run, sit down and write or have a glass of wine with dinner, just as I don't censor my own language all day. I'm a multidimensional adult all the time, not a daytime mom and a part-time me. And they, and any other kids, are perfectly smart enough to understand that there are some things kids do and some things adults do. All in all, I do deeply try to watch my language around my kiddos, yet again, I'm not perfect, as no parent is... But I've discovered that it's best to leave it at that. 


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