My Mommy Confessions

Motherhood is a joy and an experience unlike any other, but we all know that it comes with its trying moments.I have a confession to make. Being a mommy of almost 8 years, I have had many of these moments. Moms to be and those who are not yet parents, have a thing or two coming. It's not horrible but it's not always perfect or as easy as it looks either. It's definitely a work load. You ask... If I could change it would I? Not for the world! It's an experience not like any other and I am proud to say I'm one of the lucky ones who gets to experience this amazing yet crazy things called motherhood. And today I have five confessions I want to take off my shoulders. I know there are plenty of other mommies who feel the same way, are too ashamed to admit, to scared to say and don't want to be judged. But let me tell you something... we are not perfect! We are mothers. I know many moms who confess to the list below and it make me so glad that I'm not the only crazy one! Thank you JESUS!

1. At the end of the day, my needs are really simple.." I just want to be able to "Poop" in peace.
2. I often see kids and say "My kids are WAAAYYY cuter"... not every kid is cute to me.
3. I've put my kids to bed in their clothes once, so I didn't have to get them dressed the next morning.
4. I cheat my kids at board games sometimes just to make them end faster if it's taking forever. My son can be painful to play with.
5. I held my hand out once when my daughter felt the need to throw up... I kept thinking "Damn, I just paid $100 to have the carpet cleaned..." I let her throw up continuously in my hand to avoid any on the carpet.


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