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7 Books for Your Tween Girl’s Journey to Womanhood

  1.  The Care and Keeping of You , Second Edition This book was a very pleasant surprise. Published by American Girl, this is a secular perspective on growing up, but I found it very tastefully done. I was the awkward tween who felt queasy when reading any literature on puberty or anatomy. I wish I had had this book then! The Care and Keeping of You  would be appropriate to be used to answer a young girl’s queries about her changing or soon-to-be changing body, without jumping into all The Facts of Life. In my opinion, everything is presented in a pleasant, wholesome way.  Available—>HERE 2.  Jane of Lantern Hill  by L. M. Montgomery From the author of Anne of Green Gables, we meet another lovely young lady, Jane! Jane is eleven when she leaves her dreary city life, sweet but sad mother and overbearing grandmother for the exciting world of her estranged father. Jane finds herself, in more way than one, on Montgomery’s beloved P.E. Island, and works to bring her fractur

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