Great-Grandma time!

My kiddos are by far, the luckiest kiddos I know to hv a great-grandma who is 99 years old! They have such a great bond, it's amazing. As the years have passed by, they have been able to share great memories that I know will last a lifetime. She has formed this relationship with my kiddos that I never imagine would be so close. Because she is 99, she has to over come episodes when she has dementia. She also has Alzheimer's and can not walk or move like she used too. But it's OK because she is still herself even through all of that. She never forgets their names and calls out to them when they are not even around. She is my only living grandma and I'm so blessed my kiddos get to share the relationship with me of knowing how great of woman and great grandma she truly is. 

Let the pictures speak for themselves!!!
Pictures from when Mykaila and Elijah were just babies, to now as they have grown older. 
These pictures below are all hanging on her house walls... These make great Christmas presents and she receives a calendar every year, for every season!!!


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