Sometimes you just got to do you...

 I love how inspiring people makes me feel. If I can detour just one person from making the same mistakes I made, encourage just one person to keep pushing forward or reroute just one person in a positive direction, then that's success for me!
Always remember you are where you're at in life because you chose to be there. Not because someone is making you or forcing you to go in that direction or path. You're honestly where you are because you're either comfortable with it or because it's where you want to be. If you're not then you really need to reevaluate yourself because you're the only one who can make yourself happy. Everyone else doesn't matter in your world at this point it's all about you. As selfish as that sounds, it's true. Now don't get it to your head because that's another direction but have that aspiration and mentality that you can be who you want and what you want to be. I can tell you from experience that I myself used to care what everybody else thought, just because I'm that kind of caring and passionate person. But living that way is no way to live at all. You will get taken advantaged of because truly people only care about themselves... as it should be.
Having a child at such a young age can change your image as a person and can change your life dramatically. It's not necessarily for the bad and it's not necessarily for the good, it's your choice and how you see it. You have to determine which way you want your life to go. I've always had goals and aspirations that I've wanted to always achieve but when I had a child, she just made me want those even more. And today my life is how it is, with God by my side as he already had it planned since before I was born. I am me, as a person, as a human being, as a mother, a daughter, a lover, and all the in between. You can't make everyone happy. I know I can't because it seems like I make everybody mad because of my choices, my opinions and the way I believe. But remember they have choices, opinions and their different beliefs and values too. No one is judging them and no one asks them questions, so why do we let them try to control our us? 
Sometimes you just got to do you. Surround yourself with people inspire you, who motivate you, who have goals and dreams far beyond your imagination. You're young, you have your whole life ahead of you, so do what you have to do right now and do what you have to do to get where you want to go! And then be that inspiration and be that motivation for someone else. Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do anything. When you put your mind to it, trust me, you can do anything. You think you're young and you can't accomplish much because you had children at an early age and have no education? Don't let that stop you! Stop thinking that way that's not true at all! You are where you are in life because that is where God has you right now. It's not a mistake, it's not a bad choice or decision... Everything happens for reason and you learn from it, grow from it and you carry that with you to be the successful person that you know can be. If you're the first of your family to graduate high school, that is amazing and I commend you but don't stop there... keep going because you are the one who everyone looks up to now while others are doubting you and to continue down the road to success, is a huge accomplishment. 
In today's society, it's the young ones who are most successful. We are the one's who have changed America. And we're only going to keep growing. Minorities are a big part in this as well as poverty. Who says poverty can't get you anywhere if you're willing to take that step and turn it around into something better? Who says being Latina or African-American or any other race in American can't amount to anything? Only you can say to yourself that no one else matters. I said it already. You have to believe in yourself. That's how you will succeed. If you have a support system that guides you and motivates you in the right positive direction, then wonderful! You always need people like that in your life. If you don't have that support system, it can be tough BUT it also only makes you stronger and that should make you strive for more.
It all sound's overwhelming right? Yeah, let me tell you it is extremely overwhelming! And your mind is going to tell you to give up already. But don't do it. That's only your mind talking, not what you really have instilled in your heart. If I can do it as a young teen mother going to school, working full-time,  then you can do it too. As I was driving to my night class this evening it hit me... There are so many changes happening at my job right now and with my parents out of town with limited support systems, it has been really tough. And sometimes, like today, I feel like giving up. But I don't, I know in my heart, this is exactly where I belong and need to be. I have always been determined and nothing and no one is going to stop me from reaching my dreams. 


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