If Dads helped more, would Moms have more babies?

Having kids means more clutter to clear, more loads of laundry to do, and more meals to make. And let's face it: Moms bear most of the burden. Working women spend almost twice as much time as working men on household chores and caring for children, according to a recent time-use survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Are American men in working household families now helping more with shopping and meal preparation? I think so. I feel more men do more household chores like laundry and cleaning than they used to in the olden days. Although that may not entitle them to bragging rights, it's an improvement I would say. Also, while out and about with our children, I am seeing more men today involved in spending time and interacting with their children. While it may be true that men spend less time caring for kids than us women, they do spend more time working. Working mothers like myself, can easily become overwhelmed when they come home to a house full of chores that needs to be done. If both parents are working, it's only logical that the man and woman each do their share of housework. I'm all for it as long as it's split down the middle. When a husband complains of being too tired to help out when you're absolutely exhausted too, it can be unbelievably frustrating. Is this where we try to figure men out? No. We just ask.

If men only knew what they were missing!!! Men who do more housework and interact more with their children, would have better sex lives and happier marriages, AND have more children; according to a study by John Gottman, a psychologist who for more than three decades has been researching why relationships succeed or fail. Further research by Gottman (studied him throughout my undergrad and graduate work) suggests that harmony over housework may also yield happier children. His findings reveal that men who do housework frequently have kids who do better socially and academically! Wow, this definitely should push men to help out more, right? Well, I can tell you from experience that it does! Jason has always been a "lazy" kind of guy 9depending on how you define it), as most men are categorized/stereotyped in this way. He never really helped out around the house, not because he didn't want too, but because he really didn't think he needed too. This isn't such a bad thing either, as I can be guilty of it too. I was taught to always give give give to a man as long as he is providing, however, in today's society, things have changed. 

Woman are now providers as well and with both parents working, both need to contribute. Over the years of having children, Jason has become better at it. At helping out around the house that is. We share the weight since both of us are working, exhausted and overwhelmed. He has helped me tremendously while I take the rest of my grad courses twice a week with the lack of support from my parents while they are out of town for treatments. It has made me more appreciative of him and has brought us even more closer together. And let me tell you, women LOVE when their man helps out, and interacts more with the children, especially unexpectedly. That's when we find them at their sexiest! It only makes us want to thank them more... in bed! ;-) And when that happens, babies happen! Why not have more babies if we can equal out the share of housework duties! It makes life so much easier and every one will be happy. That's a fact!!!

The article below provides more valid information:


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