How I know he truly loves me

So we have been attending marriage classes at our church for 6 months now. This journey of 10 years has not been easy. We've had our good and our HORRIBLE times, but most importantly we have made it through and are here still standing, wanting more. Our children have even noticed a huge difference and boy do they love consistency-- what child doesn't? I can happily say, we are at our happiest times in our relationship, yes even after 10 years! It's amazing what classes, role models and events can do when you put them to use.
Just this past Sunday, Joel Osteen spoke about "Secret Frustrations". These are the frustrations that lie deep within us that no one knows about. We seem happy on the inside and give this phasode of happy family, yet there is something that we feel isn't good enough and because of that, secret frustration bottles up. However if you let it go and allow things to happen on it's own trusting God, it will all fall together. We are a true testimony to that and not only have the marriage classes inspired us, but the testimonies and experiences other couples have endured, make us feel we can conquer the world! We spend toomuch time focusing on what is wrong, rather than seeing what is right especially with our spouse.
 I want to take the time and tell you that even after 10 years together, we are still learning and by that, it is extrememly important to let the other know the appreciation you from them. I see it even more now. I'm not perfect. Not one of us is. But after the last marriage class deliberatied about the subject of communication, it led the group in a different direction leaving most women screaming for attention from their men. It's amazing that it opened my eyes to see how wonderful mine was after hearing others share their remorse. I felt the need to raise my hand and let the class know that I appreciate him... That for 10 years, no matter what, he has always complimented me in every area, physically, mentally and emotionally whether I agree with it or not, and I'm so grateful for that now. Yes, he may get on my nerves because he has no problem grabbing my butt in public and calling me sexy all the time, but I've gotten used to it.
20 things Jason does that show me his true love for me:
  1. He tells me he loves me every day, and I mean every day. Sometimes several times a day.
  2. He tells me my hugs give him comfort and energy, all at the same time. He’ll say, “I need a hug,” and I’ll answer, “Me, too.” He loves my hugs.
  3. He’s a gentleman and treats me like a lady— opens doors for me, helps me with my coat, holds the umbrella over me when it rains. Little things like that.
  4. He takes me on a weekly date. He’s done it for as long as I can remember. He knows how important it is for us to have time together without the kids.
  5. He’s willing to take me to a chick flick.... I repay him with his type of movie the next time around.
  6. He brings me lunch on his days off while I'm at work and then is sad when he can't eat it with me.
  7. He prays for me, with me and for/with our children. We matter enough to him that he talks to God about us and our needs.
  8. He works hard for us. I’ve always felt secure in his determination to do this. Not that we haven't had our hard times, because we have. But he keeps on plugging along, for which I am very grateful.
  9. He supports me in all I do and wouldn't mind if I was a stay at home mom like I was when our first child was born, yet he know's that I love working and getting out of the house as he supports that. I just love that he at least provided that opportunity for me.
  10. He encourages me to develop my talents and skills. He encourages my goals and wishes. When I was in graduate school, he was so happy for me, now that I've graduated, he braggs about my accomplishments to everyone.
  11. He tells me I’m beautiful, even during those times when I don’t feel it. You know, before the makeup or combed hair. It surprises me and makes me happy inside. He makes me want to do all I can to look good for him, and for myself.
  12. He likes to take the kids and I on fun family adventures, even if they are cheesy, we still have a good time.
  13. He takes us (his little family) to church every Sunday morning. We spend atleast 4 hours there for service AND marriage classes, then we come home to eat lunch and he goes back for his 2 hour Men's Ministry Class... and he does it all with no complaints, because he wants too. Man, I love his dedication to God. It comforts me.
  14. He helps me with the dishes. If I don't have a chance to do them, or he see's that I've slaved in the kitchen cooking dinner, he will take the initiative to do it, even if he really doesn't want to. That’s right.
  15. He loves our children and frets over their sorrows and heartaches. He’s not quite as emotional about it as I am, but his love is deep and real. He has his own way of doing things and they are fine with that and love him just as much.
  16. He doesn’t question my spending. He has always trusted me with our finances. As a result, I do my best to be wise with what we have.
  17. He takes care of himself, dresses nicely and smells good. He always thanks me for his good choice of fashion :-) Of course, he’s not afraid to get sweaty and dirty with a little yard work.
  18. He apologizes everytime he makes a mistake and rather take the blame over a heated fight just so we can make up... :-P His dedication to being a good man and father to his family is astounding.
  19. He takes care of me when I’m sick. He and our children wait on me hand and foot, like doctors. That makes my heart happy.
  20. He finds his favorite jokes, inspirationals and marriage funnies on facebook and shares them with me via text if i'm at work or in person if we're together. When he laughs, it makes me laugh.
By now you may be thinking he is near perfect. Well, I can tell you, it doesn't happen over night and, he’s not perfect, none of us are, but this list brings him close to perfection in my eyes. I could tell you about his imperfect side, but that will be another blog. Until then, this is how I know he truly loves me.


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