Pregnant at 25 if you want a high powered career?

I guess I did it right! More power to all the young mami's out there! I'm on my last semester of my graduate degree and will be obtaining my LPC after. I believe I've done pretty well considering I had two children. I completed college in 4 years as most do. I worked and gained years of experience in different fields of my expertise and more and get to carry that on my resume.

Here’s Penelope’s advice:
“Spend the years from age 20 – 25 focused on getting married. There is no evidence that doing well in school during that period of your life will get you worthwhile benefits. There is no evidence that waiting longer than 25 makes a better marriage. And there is not evidence that women who do a great job early in their career can bank on that later in their career. There is evidence, though, that women who focus on marriage have better marriages. There is evidence that women who have kids earlier have healthier kids, and there is evidence, now, that women who have grown children by age 45 do better at getting to the top in the workforce than all other women with kids.”
Anne-Marie Slaughter, author of “Why Women Can’t Have It All” soft of agrees, except she has some reservations:
“The most important sequencing issue is when to have children. Many of the top women leaders of the generation just ahead of me—Madeleine Albright, Hillary Clinton, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sandra Day O’Connor, Patricia Wald, Nannerl Keohane—had their children in their 20s and early 30s, as was the norm in the 1950s through the 1970s. A child born when his mother is 25 will finish high school when his mother is 43, an age at which, with full-time immersion in a career, she still has plenty of time and energy for advancement. 

Having a child did not keep me from having a life, it actually made me more determined to fulfill the dreams I dreamed of and so much more, reassuring myself that I was doing it for them and their future! Many may see differently but I can honestly say, I wouldn't have it any other way.

I am super blessed and I just want to commend all the super mommy's from the bottom of my heart who have been in my position, never gave up and kept/keep going for their children. It was definitely not easy but it wasn't impossible! You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work. I know I am! ;-)

I would live to hear success stories! Emails and testimonials are welcome.


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