Another day... Of fighting

As I sit here in the hospital room at MD Anderson Cancer Center with my daddy looking out the window as he sleeps, I can feel him around me, I can feel a peace that he is ok with what is happening. I'm just so thankful for another beautiful morning with him.

It’s not easy for me and it’s definitely not easy for my mom. BUT doctors say that he only has a matter of hours, maybe days to be here with us. We believe in miracles, yes of course, however we have to listen to all the sides of the situation. The blood transfusions, platelets, sodium and potassium that have been given to him are not holding in his body and not responding well, as the cancer is eating it all away.
The doctor was very proud and told us that she was surprised he has lasted this long. That he is a fighter and she can tell that he is doing it for us, as he sees we haven’t left his side and are keeping him holding on. That whatever we were doing (alternatively, nutritiously and mentally) has helped prolong his life as he was only to live averagely 20 days from July 19th, and has lived for three months more. She also comforted my mom and I saying that he looks and is very peaceful with this process, as Lymphoma patients aren’t as fortunate as him with pain when it comes to the end of the stages. She said we were hurting more than he was and that she understood because she too lost her daddy and best friend. Tears were falling from down my face and I grabbed my daddy and told him how proud I was of him and how much I loved him. He opened his eyes and saw me crying and looked at me telling me not to cry that everything will be ok. I
placed his hand on my face (as he was not mobile at this time) and I could feel his fingers rubbing off my tears as I hugged him tight. I couldn't help myself but lay next to him. he looked so peaceful. He slowly reached for my hand and as I met his, I held it tight and fell asleep by his side. Tonight, we will be released to go back to his home, where he will be most comfortable.

We can only leave it in God’s hands now.


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