3 ways there’s a little “teen mom” in most of us

"Teen moms are irresponsible. Their lives are ruined. They made their bed, now they need to lie in it. They’re just babies having babies.
And what about that baby? Bless its little heart. It won’t have a very good shot at life either." 
This is how most people think. This is the stereotype of most of us young mother's. This is how they viewed me 8 years ago. But to say the least, it is not at all the truth of most young mothers.
Read this article that points out exactly what I'm trying to say: 8 Lies We Need to Stop Spreading About Teen Pregnancy.
I read an article in which it may help you consider three things that may convince you:
1. Before scoffing at how young an expectant mom is, consider that it could have just as easily happened to you. Unintended pregnancy happens all the time. It doesn't mean you can't do it and that you should judge her because of her age. It doesn't mean that you aren't going to give your baby all that he/she needs. It may take more practice and more support but it can happen. Give them a chance. They may be more involved than you are. It might surprise you.
2. There is no magical maturity switch that flips when a woman turns twenty. Being young doesn’t predispose a woman to be a bad mother whatsoever!!! When I see a young mom reaching out for information or help, I feel encouraged about her ability to keep going and provide as much as she can for her baby. You know why? Because despite the fact that my children are no longer babies, I’m seeking out information, help and support to figure out what I may not know at that moment about my kiddos. Honestly, we’re all just feeling our way through the parenting journey, regardless of age.
3. Let’s be real. We’re all messing up our kids, in one way or another, and it rarely has anything to do with with age. It doesn’t matter if you are overweight or underweight, single are married, breastfeeding or not, homeschooling or public schooling, and working or not. In some way, somehow, your child faces a challenge based on something you have done, are doing, or not. Thanks, media, for making us question our competencies all the time. Not this post, though.
Young mami's, I’m here to tell you that we’re all scared we’re doing it wrong. And we probably are BUT there's no right or wrong way in parenting.
We have to be upfront about the challenges that situation bring us, but also realize that our age did not define and does not define our ability to do her best. Isn’t that all any of us can do?
So next time, when you see a mom who "looks young"... build her up rather than break her down! She’s wearing her heart on the outside, just like you.


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