Baby Braden. When mommy needs a break...

There's always a time when mommy is going to need a break. She won't tell you and she sure will try to hide it because she believes she needs to be at your beck and call 24/7 (which is what mother's do, unconsciously) but after sleepless nights, poopy diapers, toddler temper tantrums and hours of looking for the monster that is under your bed, she needs time for herself too. Even if the time is only a few minutes to a few hours. I know this because I too, am a mother. A mother who believes she has to be at your beck and call 24/7. A mother who will give up all just to make sure you have all. So, because I have been there and done that and am still going strong... Mommy Julie needs a break. My best friend is new to the mommyhood world and it is a life changing experience. She has tremendous support and is extremely fortunate for that, but today I have stepped in because I always appreciate time away for me. Don't get me wrong, I felt guilty for taking only 5 minutes of time away for myself, but realized as the years have passed that if I don't take time for myself, I will not only go crazy and lose my sanity but I will not be much help to my kiddos when they need me to be there for them. I'm here to do just that. For Julie. I'm going to spoil her like they spoiled me. I'm going to take all of her mommy duties away from her for a few hours so she can find some time for herself. I'm going to enjoy my time with my little Braden while mommy takes a break. If you have a best friend who just joined motherhood, and you understand what she is going through, give her time for herself, she deserves it as much as you do! 


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