When her bestfriend becomes part of the family then it all ends...

While we as parents can never fully protect our children from life's ups and downs, we can only explain what it's like and help them through it. Recently, because of upsetting and confusion circumstances, my children lost their best friends. 
She stayed with us for two weeks during summer vacation. They've known each other for six years and more and had grown fond of each other throughout the years. The only thing is, every parent parents differently and that's ok because parenting your own child isn't the same as someone else parenting theirs. There was a lot of different values and morals. A lot of disrespecting the children with cursewords and nonverbal cues from the other parent. I understand that they may have grown up in the world where it is okay to do the above in front of your children. It just wasn't settling right with us. There was always negativity and complaining but we looked passed it for some time. We stayed friends with the parents for the children and took her in for two weeks just because. I felt I was doing a favor. 
She became part of the family and didn't want to go home. She enjoyed praying before meals, going to church, playing outside and going on outings with our little family. Little did we know, something was brewing. Something wasn't settling well. We learned things about her and her family that we hadn't seen on the inside. We saw a side of her we had never seen before. It's not her fault. I love her as my own. 
Then it happened, it was time for her to go back. There was an incident in which the mom confided in me about lice issues. Yes, lice. Before we took her for the two weeks, the mother told me she was treated. But come to find out, it wasn't. Lice isn't harmful or mean you're unsanitary but it is a hassle to get rid of. Now because of that, my children became infested in lice in which they have never been in a situation like this before. The parents were confronted nicely but I'm guessing out of embarrassment, is the reason they lashed out at us and hurt my family leading to a friendship lost. It was lost and will never be found again. What they did to spite us and our children was wrong and not something I would post here today. But it was enough to vent about and enough to stop forever friendship. When abuse and other indications of hatred threaten my family, that's enough to let that friendship go. My children understand and they know what a true friend entails and what they witnessed should have never been. I will continue to pray for that family and children involved. We will always carry the many memories we shared with them and I hope they do the same. But it was time to let go. We will miss you Kota. 


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