I had a baby at 20 years old and my life... went on!

Imagine you have your whole life figured out -- but then in an instant -- it feels like it has been taken away, or in my mind, it became more of a goal. A goal to fullfil these plans and dreams no matter what would come my way -- even a baby.

8 years later, and I can't imagine my life without my daughter or my son. It's a pretty magical feeling when you think about it. I was so young when the pregnancy test showed "positive". We were in shock and were the parents that didn't get to plan. We didn't have conversations about "what if" we became pregnant. We were just kids. I was in my first year of college and he was still partying. I was working my butt off to pay for books. Although I was an only child, I was very independent. And with my parents' help and support through it all, I believe that is the only reason I am where I am at today.

Did I get knocked up too soon? Was it the wrong decision at the time to bring a beautiful baby into the world? Was I too young and niave? Would I take care of the baby or be a young sterotypical mother who gives up and gives the baby to someone else to care for while I party?


Not me.

I was not that stereotype. I was not that person. I wanted the baby so bad. Bittersweet. Lovely. Amazing. A miracle from God -- is what I thought. I didn't allow all of the negative comments to detour my decision. I made sense of it all and I was going to take care of my responsibilities.
The transition was a challenge. The transition wasn't easy. The transition made me stronger and who I am today. I grew up. I gave up luxury's. I gave up me time and got into my "hustle mode." I went through self-growth and self-discovery. I truly believe that I became my best self when I became a mother -- a young mother, that is.

Life didn't end at baby. It began. Young mommy's --- Life is not over for you! It's just the beginning of life. A whole new life. My family and future are now on my mind and nothing else.

I am 20 years apart from my first child -- meaning, I will be 40 --FORTY -- when she is 20 -- TWENTY! This means, I get to enjoy her youth alongside my own. She will already be in college and my son will be graduating high school! My heart is happy! I get so much more time with them -- Lord Willing --. And they get that special time with me as well. My husband is also a young daddy, only 5 years older than me -- sharing the same with them.

I am NOW 28 -- TWENTY-EIGHT -- with a Graduate Degree in counseling, in the middle of writing a book, blogging about what I love, bikini-girl prepping for musclemania, and just opened a small side business with my husband ALSO looking to flourish in another area we have been planning ALONGSIDE two kiddos who are pretty awesome, if I say so myself.
All in all, just because I was and AM a young mother, didn't give me an excuse to give up. To this day, people ask if my kids are my brother and sister-- or "you have kids??? Two??? Wow! You're young." 
Because of them... I DIDN'T GIVE UP! I am -- honestly -- where I am today, because of my two beautiful children. I am a strong, dedicated, motivated, goal-oriented and hard working mother who STILL has plans for my families future. I am where I need to be whether it be different plans than what I had imagined before I looked at that first "positive" pregnancy test. A slight turn in the road to get me to the right spot, was just fine with me. Isn't that what the point of motherhood is all about anyway?

So -- to all you beautiful young hardworking mothers out there, Don't give up! 

You got this! 


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