100 Things We Love About Papu

Dedicated to our Papu.
Love your "Grandbabies", Mykaila and Elijah.

1. You do special things for us all the time.
2. You make us food we love.
3. You let us watch our favorite shows on your TV while you sit and watch it with us.
4. You make us cream of wheat like no one else.
5. You take us to the park and play with us.
6. You take us to McDonalds.
7. You take us to the Zoo.
8. You read with us.
9. You pick us up from School.
10. You take us to the restroom.
11. You read with us when we were learning to read.
12. You turn the light on anytime we need it.
13. You go to watch our Christmas shows.
14. You spend time with us.
15. You take care of mommy and Mamu.
16. You save comics out of the paper for us.
17. You let us play with your “noise makers.”
18. You play games with us.
19. You watch us grow.
20. You watch us at our school performances.
21. You make BBQ for us.
22. You always give us hugs.
23. You always have kisses for us.
24. You make everything special for us.
25. You have special names for us (Princess and Brothas).
26. You always bought us toys just because.
27. You make our birthdays special.
28. You take naps with us on the couch while we lay on you.
29. You go to the movies with us.
30. You took us to New York.
31. You took us on a trip to Disney World with us.
32. You try to “surprise” us every chance you get.
33. You have sugared cereal at your house for breakfast.
34. You talk to us.
35. You took us to Sea World.
36. You fed the sting rays and dolphins with us.
37. You love us so very much.
38. You played outside in the backyard with us.
39. You held us when we were little babies.
40. You are never too busy for us.
41. You were there when we were born.
42. You taught us to love.
43. You gave us money for chores.
44. You hold our hands when we walk.
45. You took us to the water park.
46. You took us to the Disney on Ice.
47. You took us to Parades.
48. You took us to Mexico.
49. You took us to the Children's Museum.
50. You have special treats for us.
51. You let us get comfortable at your house.
52. You tell stories about when you were younger.
53. You go to all of our school events.
54. You talk our language.
55. You take time for your “every day granddaughter.”
56. You make us smile.
57. You have a funny laugh.
58. You are sweet to us.
59. You give us special snacks to take on our way back home.
60. You make us feel special.
61. You pick us up when we fall.
62. You kiss our booboo’s.
63. You take us to ride our bikes.
64. You put shaving cream on us when you’re shaving.
65. You put us in timeout when we are not behaving.
66. You wipe our tears when we are hurting.
67. You give us knuckle sandwiches.
68. You tickle us when we are in a bad mood and it always helps.
69. You take us for a drive in your truck just to see the scenery.
70. You take us on vacations.
71. You never forget our birthdays.
72. You always think of us when you go out of town.
73. You bring us treats on special occasions.
74. You buy us ices and popcorn at the movies.
75. You face time with us.
76. You take us bubble baths.
77. You let us spend the night whenever we want.
78. You put our pajamas on when we spend the night.
79. You let us sleep in late when we spend the night.
80. You never break your promises.
81. You teach us new songs.
82. You teach us the bible.
83. You teach us about Jesus and God.
84. You help us learn how to be independent.
85. You let us help you put the Christmas lights on.
86. You make us healthy snacks.
87. You come to eat lunch with us at school.
88. You buy us ice cream on our way from school.
89. You come to our classroom on grandparent’s day.
90. You bundle us up when it’s really cold outside.
91. You were there when we saw our first snowflake.
92. You always talked about us to your friends.
93. You tell us how proud you are of us.
94. You are the first man who taught us right from wrong.
95. You drink Mamu's hot chocolate with us when it's cold.
96. You try to scare us when we're not looking... but we know when you're going to do it.
97. You pretend you're a monster as you tip toe closer and closer to us.
98. You are the sweetest man we have ever known.
99. You always keep us safe.
100. You are our hero and the BEST GRANDPA PAPU EVER!


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