Dating Posts 101

Here are a few articles that I came across that went with my mood today. 

Do These 5 Daily Gestures To Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Boo 

My favorite is #5: Setting aside time to talk to one another... about the day, about each other, about future goals or even just to sit there with each other reminiscing.

10 Old Fashioned Dating Habits We Should Make Cool Again 

 My favorite her is #7: Romantic Gestures, like writing poems and or anything that is special to her. 

The 27 Most Adorable Things People In Relationships Do For Each Other 

Major one I live by: # 21: Drop everything when they say that they really need something.

6 Tips And Tricks To Help You Find The One

 Most importantly: #5: He’ll never stand between you and your dreams.


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