Dating After Divorce: 10 Rules For A Stress-Free Love Life Post-Split

The link above is a post from the Huffington that speaks some truth about being truly ready to date after divorce. Here are 10 important points to think about:

1. Get In Touch With Yourself First.

2. Find Some Single Friends.  

3. Don't Rush.  

4. Get Online (And Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help).

5. Don't Get Down On Yourself When Things Don't Work Out.

6. Fake It 'Til You Make It. 

7. Don't Dish On The Details Too Early. 

8. Make Time To De-Stress Before A First Date. 

9. Don't Be Afraid To Take Risks.  


10. Don't Take Dating TOO Seriously. 

Want to know each point in detail... Visit the link and find out!


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