2nd grade homework aint no joke!

This is some major homework they are giving my daughter. I mean, as a parent, I am appreciative that the homework given is helping my daughter prepare for her future, however, because she is doing block scheduling at her school, she has homework from all 4 teachers; in 2nd grade!!!

She comes home with packets of homework, booklets of math assignments and stacks of reading and writing. Don't get me wrong, this is definitely helping my daughter become independent academically and build an understanding of each concept but man, when I was in 2nd grade, I don't remember this much homework! 
This is how my mind thinks and wishes I could just repeat it out loud but I don't dare! "Teachers, we need to make a deal that after April and May testing, we don’t have to do anything else. You don’t. I don’t. I don’t care if you watch movies in class five days a week and take four recesses a day, just let the kids be kids."  

Thank God school is almost out AND thank God for my mothers help with after school stuff while I'm at work ! My moms retired, so she gets to spend lovely time to help her out... More less, help me out. I know the teachers are preparing them for the STAAR and the Stanford Tests that are coming up this next week but all that I really care about right now after 9months of school (which is sad), is her making good grades and coming out with free tickets to Schlitterbahn! yup I said it! Free tickets is all I care abut at this point. She's already runner up to getting free tickets to San Antonio's Fiesta Texas for her reading log, BUT what would complete it more to make a family vacation? Tickets to Schlitterbahn!
Just a few more weeks before school's out and summer is here. Luckily I have kids who like going to school and appreciate learning an becoming knowledgeable about their academics... bahahaha, SIKE, they are counting the days just as much as I am. Then, when all vacation and fun time is over that one word that you didn't hear for 9 months while they were in school... suddenly comes out...
"We're BORED!"


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