Our Easter Weekend!

This Easter we did something a little different. My kids are at the age where they believe in everything. They believe in the Easter bunny. You see after the movie "Rise of the Guardians", the Easter bunny is like Santa. He's real. Yup. Have you heard about the magic jelly beans that grow overnight into a lollipop garden on Easter morning? This is a cute and simple idea you might want to start as an Easter tradition.  Plant your magic jelly beans and the next morning, surprise!  A lollipop garden has grown!
This year we did it. Yup, we planted jelly beans! You see, if you plant jelly beans, the Easter bunny will water them with magic water and in the morning, VIOLA, Lollipops will grow! (Once the kids are asleep, carefully place a lollipop where each bean had been planted, and in the morning, your children will have an amazing surprise.) So early Easter morning, the kiddos woke up and ran to the front yard... Sure enough, the Easter bunny grew lollipops! And for the final touch . . . make Easter Bunny Paw Prints using sidewalk chalk on the driveway and/or sidewalk. Now they are even stronger believers thanks to me... (What have I started???? :-/ ) Well, whatever your Easter traditions may be, have fun and enjoy the special meaning of this festive family holiday.
 After the fun of the morning, we headed to church. Lakewood Church, Joel Osteen. I've been a member since I was born and it's amazing how much they've grown. Now my family attends and we love it!
By the afternoon, we headed to my grandma's "Wita". Did I mention she is 100 years old? Yea? That means she has had 100 Easters! Wow! We made it a tradition since my first was born and on to my youngest, to dye eggs with her every Easter Pictures show it all!
Hoppy Easter Everyone, Have an Eggstra Special Day!
This year's Easter Cards.
Planting their Jelly Beans.
Goodness gracious, great balls of Lollipops!
Dying eggs with their Wita. #100days of Easter


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