Spontaneous Outing #129

Like all weekends I'm pretty much wrapped up in homework, reports, grading psych assessments, etc. I literally stayed in bed all morning after my sons huge 5th birthday party writing a report and scoring an assessment. The kids were up and had two of there best friends over.. Thank God they are old enough to fend for themselves. I didn't want to have to study and report all day but because I procrastinated this weekend (and I had every reason too because it was my sons bday party), I had no choice. As soon as my best friend came to pick up her kiddos around 3, I finished and we all decided to get up and go. We got our kiddos ready and drove. And drove. And drove. Til we came to Go Karts! We agreed that Go karts, putt putt and arcades was the way to spend the rest of the evening. So we did just that and added the batting cages to our list. Sometimes being spontaneous is all you can do. Spontaneous outings is something were pretty good at, as we are also indecisive most of the time. This Sunday weekend was eventful and my vacation time has begun!


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