Sunday Funday at the YMCA

One of my best friends had her son's birthday party this weekend at the YMCA. What a great idea! The kids had a blast. We honestly didn't know what to expect and that's usually the fun part about it. I love attending birthday parties and I absolutely love all the different planning and ideas parents come up with. it's amazing what us parents do for our children. I stopped and thought about it for a while... pondering... contemplating... how special my kids are. And NOT because they are my kids, but because I want to make sure they have great memories with the ones they love. My parents did the same for me and boy did I have the time of my life during my childhood days. I believe every parent has this goal for there kids.
Here's a website I love to visit for birthday party themes and ideas. Luckily I never had to think of what my child wanted for his/her birthday. It just happens. They already know the theme or idea that they want their party to be... In case you aren't' as lucky and I'm sure I only have a few more years before I reach that point too... here's the link. Check it out!
Anyway, the YMCA was a blast. As long as the kids are having fun, that's all that really matters to me. Now minus the alcohol, this was all based on kid friendly activities. It is a family facility so alcohol is not allowed. They had a rock climbing wall, video games, basketball, sports..etc. All in all we had a Sunday Funday!


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