Almost had a scare today... Since Pre-K is income based, I received a call from the school that he wasn't accepted bc of my income and he would have to stay in daycare another year! I was super livid! I never had a problem before with Mykaila bc my mom was a teacher so I called her thinking it was bc she retired... She hung up mad and called me 2 minutes later saying "I fixed it, he's in!" He was able to meet his teacher and see his classroom! I believe pre-k is extremely important, I just wish it wasn't set only for low-income, bilingual and/or teachers' children bc every child deserves a proper education regardless their circumstances. #blessedmommy #youngmamilife

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions on Early Childhood Education: 

These are two most impimportant and frequent questions parents ask...

What criteria must a child meet to be eligible for a public prekindergarten program?

Why isn’t my child eligible for prekindergarten? My child doesn’t meet the criteria and I can’t afford private prekindergarten. Why aren’t all children eligible for prekindergarten?

 Pre-K. What exactly is it? 

Visit this link for HISD Eligibility and Requirements: 

If your child can not get in to school due to your income, visit this website. You may still qualify for tuition based education: 


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