Confidence... It's what im made of.

Most people may mistaken it for something else... But I find that the lack of confidence on a person, especially a young successful beautiful Mami can hurt in the long run. Mami's, you need that confidence. That boost and self-esteem that you know you belong in this world just as you are. Don't worry about what others say about you. You are where you're at for a reason. Don't ever second guess yourself. Life sometimes is NOT like a box of chocolates and although family may be blood, family can be the main ones disappoint and hurt you more than non-family members if you allow it. Disrespect, unworthiness and deceit from people who you thought you trusted isn't worth your time. I have learned a lot as I have grown older and wiser and I have learned to stay as far away from the negative as you can. Confidence is what makes you and having that to back you up, will only kill the person slowly. Like the saying says and what one of my BFF's always told me "You gotta kill them with kindness!" It will not only help you but it will help them realize, it doesn't bother you.

25 Lessons I Wish I Had Learned WAY Sooner

  1. 1 out of 4 people that you meet won’t like you. That’s really OK. Really!
  2. Life isn’t fair. Most of the time it’s not fair in your favor, so don’t whine about life not being fair. It's always going to be this way.
  3. Save your money. In the long haul, you will be able to buy and do whatever you want without worrying about your next pay check. It's called being a successful adult!
  4. No one knows what you’re thinking unless you tell them. True story.
  5. Perfectionism will kill you. Be yourself. No one is perfect!
  6. You’re stronger than you think you are. Trust me, story of my life.
  7. You think that sexism and racism were in the olden days. They’re not, Whatsoever.
  8. Comparing yourself to others is never a good idea. NEVER! Do you.
  9. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. People are consistent. But also be wise.
  10. Develop critical thinking skills and use them. It helps in the long run.
  11. Never hide your intelligence from anyone. Even if you MAY feel you're being a smart ass. Intelligence is sexy. 
  12. Trust your instincts. They're always right.
  13. 80% of everything is irrelevant
  14. Spend WAY less time worrying about the shape of your body. Love yourself for who you are, not what media says for you to be.
  15. Stay away from credit cards. Bad. Bad idea. That's where number 3 comes from (save your money)
  16. There are lots of men who will be nice to you. Accept nothing less. Everyone is different.
  17. Be nicer to yourself too.
  18. For the most part, it doesn’t matter what people think. Follow your own truth. After all, GOD knows all!
  19. No education is wasted. Drink in as many new experiences as you can... 
  20. Pay your dues. Work hard. Be successful. Have many goals.
  21. Networking is critical. You will be surprised who you may meet.
  22. Letting go of control is liberating. Try it. Just breath.
  23. Don’t treat anyone badly. You’ll be surprised when they’ll pop up again in your life. Let it be on them. They are responsible for their own actions as you are to yours.
  24. Do what you love, not what you think you’re supposed to do. Love what you do.
  25. Don’t forget to enjoy your journey! God has you here for a purpose!


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