"Experiences Every Student-Parent Will Have While Balancing Classes And Family"

This week and last week’s blog postings have been more geared toward on how we as young working mothers, balance motherhood and school. Whether you are just beginning college, are in grad school or are in post grad school, all mothers’ need reassurance and inspiration from other mother’s. It’s not an easy journey as a young mother, I can tell you from experience. You may want to give up and say the hell with it because it does come with its stressors and bad days. And boy, do I have those bad days. BUT, all in all, I can tell you as I have many times before, after telling myself for years, day after day, it’s all worth it in the end! Trust me. This is one thing in life that you will NOT regret. This doesn’t mean we won’t have our days of feeling discombobulated and overwhelmed.
Meet Tara Jefferson, founder and editor of theyoungmommylife.com, created for young mother's. She is also a young mother and advocate. If you are a young mother looking for answers and would like inspiration and motivation, she is one of the young mother's that can relate to your everyday situation. Her blog at the link below. Don't forget to follow her! http://www.theyoungmommylife.com/about/ I'm sure all working, school mothers can relate to the below. I found it hit "the nail right on the head!"

10 Experiences Every Student-Parent Will Have While Balancing Classes And Family

1) You frequently don’t know what day it is and generally it doesn’t matter – what is a “weekend”?
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2) Having class at 7:30 p.m. and you haven’t eaten dinner yet:
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3) Looking at the syllabus and realizing there are not one, not two, but THREE group projects assigned:
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4) Forgetting that you have an assignment due because you know, you’re tired, damn: 
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5) That point in the semester where you no longer care about your future and school can suck it:
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6) The feeling when you walk out of class on the final day:
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7) When you somehow manage to pull an A on a test you just knew you were going to fail:
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8) The look you give your kids when you’re trying to study but they are arguing and pulling your attention away from the work you’ve been trying to do for the past two weeks: 
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