Family time is quality time

I can't help not spending quality time with my kiddos. Am I losing my mind? Shouldn't I want some me time more often then none? I don't see it that way because I am a full-time mother and grad student. I'm always busy with work and school that after all that I can't WAIT to see these little boogers. Maybe it's just me? Maybe I am awkward? I don't know. I miss not being home with them 24/7 but then I also can go crazy too! I spent the first 2 years at home with my oldest Mykaila and I loved it. I was able to be right there whenever she needed me. Watching her milestones and sharing memories with my first child was an amazing experience. To this day, we they each have library cards and we go every Friday to pick up new books for the week. They read every night before bed, or at least try to, but i'm just glad they enjoy reading. I wasn't able to give that same close attention to my son like I did to my daughter which is why I have to share evenly the amount of attention. After he was born, I immediately went to work after he was 4months. However, because I breastfed him for a year, he was still attached to my hip and was known to be "mommy's boy". He would not want me to leave his sight. Thank goodness I was blessed enough to find a nanny to care for him and my daughter while I worked (Missing the nanny blog).
I try my best to give them my full undivided attention when at home. Don't get me wrong, there are times when a mother needs that alone time but I strive to keep them busy too.
The other night we rode bikes to the park and they met up with the neighborhood kiddos. Mykaila played with girls she met and Elijah was being a big boy playing soccer with the guys. Because he is so young and activities require ages 5 and up, I anticipate the day I am able to place him in something. They have T-Ball leagues beginning at 4 but he missed the season and the new one begins in the fall. I'm taking him sometime in July to test hi soccer knowledge and see what he enjoys versus throwing him into something he doesn't. Jay and I made that mistake when we signed him up for Karate. he wanted Elijah to carry on his childhood likes but turns out he was not ready or interested in Karate. Since then, he has been telling us that he would like to be in soccer and that he's ready to play the game. So we're hoping this is what his sport is.

My fav is movie night! We try to keep them in the know. They really don't watch a lot of television at the house so we make up for it watching movies at a theater. They get the extra attention and food! This movie date was quite different yet interesting. We met up with some cousins and Mykaila went with them to see Monster University while Jay and I took Elijah to see Superman. It was his and her request, so we tried something different and it seemed to have worked pretty well! Family time is always a good time and I enjoy every minute of it!


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