Daddy, is that you? The supernatural...
Is it true or is it only something you see on a movie/TV?
I have spoken to so many people about the supernatural. My brother is a huge believer in this... or something similar. Others remain skeptical about it. However everyone I have spoken to have a similar consensus when it comes to the dead. They believe some linger or return. Sometimes to check on us or to keep us from harm
Do you believe in ghosts? I never really believed in ghosts as a child or even now as an adult. They were just the scary things in horror movies. My parents always told me movies were make-believe so in my mind so were the ghosts. I never saw one myself but the stories I heard definitely made the hair all over my arms stand up. Have you ever had a dream about a friend or relative that has passed on? Have you ever felt a touch when you were alone, or a breeze when no windows were open? Everyone will answer 'yes' to one of these questions. Some believe they are here to guide us and watch over us. So we tell others the same. For those of you who still remain skeptical here is my story that may dispel your disbelief's...
Since my dad has passed, I have been patiently waiting for him to come meet me in my dreams. One of my best friends says that she dances with her daddy in her dreams and I would LOVE to experience something magical like that with him again. It's been 12 weeks and still nothing yet... I spend the night at my moms house sometimes, just so she won't be lonely. I can remember it like yesterday, my dad always telling me, especially the few days before he passed, "this is YOUR house, you can come and go as you please and call it your home!" So, it's my home. :-)
Anyway, so last night I stayed with my mom for the night. I woke up and started getting ready for work. Any time I stay with my mom at her house, I always hear a noise, a creek, a ruffle of paper or something indicating someone is there. (We have his photos all around the house so we can feel his presence. And that is exactly what I feel. I close my eyes sometimes and I can feel and hear him walking through the house.) I continued to get dressed moved to the restroom to do makeup, hair...etc. And my daughter came in with me. I heard a ruffling sound and a footstep in the living room down the hall where the restroom faces. My son wasn't up at the time and my mother was in her restroom in her bedroom. I was facing the mirror (which when someone walks by, you can see their reflection), I then saw quickly, someone (resembling my dad) with blue jean pants and a t-shirt (his everyday attire when he was here), walk by. Yes, it was very real. I did a double take and called out to my mom. No answer. I looked around and became silent but continued getting ready and helped my daughter with her hair. I didn't want to freak her out. By this time I was watching and waiting for that person to come back from the room but they never did. I figured "well maybe, just maybe, it was my mom"... yet in the back of my mind, I knew it was him. 10 minutes later my mom and son come out of her room and I asked her if she came out earlier and she immediately said no, that this was the first time she came out of her room. I told her what I had just witnessed and we both began tearing. I began thinking to myself how real this was. Except was it? I am not one of those people who believes in afterlife, ghosts, paranormal activity or supernatural events. BUT this is really sticking with me. I have been waiting to see my daddy in my dreams and I still have yet to see him and to think that i see him in this way, is kinda scary but kinda cool. To this day since his passing, when I leave my moms house, I say "bye daddy see ya later." Healthy? I don't know but it comforts me.
I may not have had a dream about him yet but maybe this is something I needed. Now that I'm superstitious about this, I spoke with a co-worker and she told me that maybe I have to really say "goodbye" and let him go. But I don't wanna. What if that's what's keeping him. My mom and I? I really don't know. Now I'm thinking too much in to it. So now it seems, even if we think they have followed the bright light leaving us behind, or are in heaven or sleeping comfortably until the resurrection. Do some come back to ensure we are safe and never alone? Are they now our guardians and protectors throughout our lives? I have much to consider and more research to connect with. I am writing this to say, I was the skeptical one. Is my mind playing tricks on me or did this really happen?
I have spoken to so many people about the supernatural. My brother is a huge believer in this... or something similar. Others remain skeptical about it. However everyone I have spoken to have a similar consensus when it comes to the dead. They believe some linger or return. Sometimes to check on us or to keep us from harm
Do you believe in ghosts? I never really believed in ghosts as a child or even now as an adult. They were just the scary things in horror movies. My parents always told me movies were make-believe so in my mind so were the ghosts. I never saw one myself but the stories I heard definitely made the hair all over my arms stand up. Have you ever had a dream about a friend or relative that has passed on? Have you ever felt a touch when you were alone, or a breeze when no windows were open? Everyone will answer 'yes' to one of these questions. Some believe they are here to guide us and watch over us. So we tell others the same. For those of you who still remain skeptical here is my story that may dispel your disbelief's...
Since my dad has passed, I have been patiently waiting for him to come meet me in my dreams. One of my best friends says that she dances with her daddy in her dreams and I would LOVE to experience something magical like that with him again. It's been 12 weeks and still nothing yet... I spend the night at my moms house sometimes, just so she won't be lonely. I can remember it like yesterday, my dad always telling me, especially the few days before he passed, "this is YOUR house, you can come and go as you please and call it your home!" So, it's my home. :-)
I may not have had a dream about him yet but maybe this is something I needed. Now that I'm superstitious about this, I spoke with a co-worker and she told me that maybe I have to really say "goodbye" and let him go. But I don't wanna. What if that's what's keeping him. My mom and I? I really don't know. Now I'm thinking too much in to it. So now it seems, even if we think they have followed the bright light leaving us behind, or are in heaven or sleeping comfortably until the resurrection. Do some come back to ensure we are safe and never alone? Are they now our guardians and protectors throughout our lives? I have much to consider and more research to connect with. I am writing this to say, I was the skeptical one. Is my mind playing tricks on me or did this really happen?
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